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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

City Council Sends Minimum Wage Bill Back To Committee

The Baltimore City Council voted 8-6 Monday night to send a bill that would have raised the minimum wage back to committee.

The bill would have increased the minimum wage gradually to $15-an-hour by 2022, but as the bill was called to the floor the measure's sponsor, City Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke asked the bill be sent back to the Labor Committee to consider an amendment that would require disabled workers to be paid the minimum wage by 2020.

Labor Committee Chairman Councilman Bobby Curran said he would only let the bill out of his committee again if the measure had the eight vote majority needed to pass .

Clarke said that if the bill doesn't get the eight vote majority, she'll introduce the measure again in December when a new city council takes office.



  1. Stupid bunch of Democrats!

  2. If this passes, Baltimore will accelerate its goal of becoming Ferguson

  3. This is a bad change. A lot of jobs disabled people do (especially the developmentally disabled) are really low skill, low productivity jobs. This is going to price them out of having any job. It'll be even worse in 2020 - 2022, when they have a higher minimum wage than non-disabled people, making them more expensive to hire.

  4. Think about it guys , these people aren't going to work even if you paid them $20 an hour . This just gives them time to protest .

  5. You guys are idiots. Inflation goes up, yet you believe wages should stay stagnant? Just imagime what 15 is going to be worth in 2022. Yet you expect these folks to be able to "pull themselve up by the bootstraps" off pennies.

  6. And the carrot and the stick never gets shortened.

  7. Bad idea (min wage increase) since the rise in cost of salaries is then past to customers for goods/services.

  8. we will be able to get a happy meal for 17.95 now for each of our kids

  9. Minim wage should be $0. Work from there.


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