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Thursday, August 11, 2016

What’s With Hillary’s Health?

In their usual fingers-in-ears-la-la-la fashion, the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton supporters are all in denial that there is an issue with the Democratic nominee’s health, despite mounting evidence that something is seriously wrong. In fact, they’re trying tomanipulate the issue to make those who are concerned look like they are the ones with problems because only crazy right-wing conspiracy theorists would say otherwise.

This weekend, a photo began to go viral of HRC being helped up the stairs and looking pretty darned frail. But, if you notice, she isn’t dressed for summer in these photos.

While the photos are making the rounds like the event just happened, it was actually snapped about six months ago, when she slipped going up some stairs in South Carolina last February. The mainstream delightedly jumped on the date of the photo as proof that everything is rosy in Clintonland.

This, of course, doesn’t negate the fact that “slipping” has been a recurrent theme for Hillary Clinton, and actually just supports the argument that she’s dealing with some type of neurological issue.



  1. She's simply building plan B. When all else fails and she is looking at a prison term for all her corruption, murders, treason and illegal dealings....she will plead insanity via mental and physical illnesses.

  2. Very good 12:17,just like a diagnosis of early onset dementia to avoid prison.The idea is that if a person cannot recall the crime they committed they can't be held accountable.

  3. between her constant barrage of lies and deception and her very poor health, it's obvious she's not suited for the presidency of our great country. she needs to back off and retire into never never land...

  4. To many glasses of wine the night before!

  5. It must be Trumps fault. Isn't that what the White House resident always said, it was George W. Bush. He inherited it from Bush...Lol

  6. It's not trump doing and mostly bill drug problem's and that rat killer stuff with head damage mixture will put her in coffin her quick.

  7. Summer or Winter, she dresses the same, Pant suits with LONG sleeves and its 98 degrees outside.

  8. 4:42. I've rarely seen Donald Trump or any other male politician wearing anything other than long sleeves and suit jackets at public events. Why the double standard?


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