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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Rudy Giuliani to Clinton Campaign: 'Are You Out of Your Mind?'

Rudy Giuliani went to bat for Donald Trump during the Republican nominee’s campaign rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Tuesday night after Hillary Clinton’s campaign alleged Trump suggested gun owners assassinate her if she’s elected president.

“I want to tell you how dishonest and how rigged and how corrupt this system is,” Giuliani began. “I have to do it to get it out of the way because I’m really actually disgusted.” He went on:

I listened to Donald Trump’s speech in Wilmington and what he said very clearly was that if Hillary Clinton were elected president she would get to appoint judges to the Supreme Court and among the other things that they would do to destroy us would be to do away with the Second Amendment and your right to bear arms.



  1. I'm amused how the MSM seems to have forgotten Hillary's remarks in 2008 which were interpreted to imply that Obama could be assasinated so for her to bow out of the race before the convention was premature. The press had a field day with that remark and in the end she apologized.

  2. Trump can't even breath without something being wrong with that.
    It is sickening to see Hillary get away with anything she says.

  3. Rudy needs to check his hearing aid.

  4. It was pretty clear, just like when people here make comments about 2nd amendment solutions. We all know what they are talking about.


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