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Sunday, August 21, 2016

What A Great Idea


  1. An excellent idea! Since an engineering graduate has plenty of good job prospects, and "Womyn's Studies" majors are pretty much unemployable, the percentage of loan defaults would plummet.

  2. Are you suggesting that colleges and universities become accountable for the BS they teach students? I'm sure that'll go over real well with Dr. Janet Dudley-Eschbach. She has not one clue what's taught at SU nor does she care as long as she gets money to make big fancy buildings. But it would be very cool if they did get held accountable.

  3. I hope trump appoints this person to his cabinet

  4. Great idea but then progressive socialist would have our money to do their bidding with, they'd have 1 less excuse to tax us to death...
    I hear dudly is no longer at SU, not sure they'v replaced her yet, nor why the hush hush on getting her out undercover....but i got the feeling thats a big can of worms! Billions spent on buildings and poof

  5. GREAT idea.. Better than being on welfare. I can go to college for about 5 years with everything paid, then NOT pay the loan. WOW

  6. Like a car dealer, they benefit when a buyer gets financing, but if it goes south, they are reinvolved in the loss.

  7. How about getting Bob Culver and the 4 County Council Clowns that supported the #FreeCollegeMoney scholarships to the people co-sign for these loans.

  8. Colleges have more money than cities...

  9. Great incentive for colleges!


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