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Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Inmate Found Deceased At Detention Center

"Just heard that a 24 yr white male was found hanging in his cell at Wicomico County Detention Center."


  1. there is no accountability there. nothing will come of this. no loss of life should ever happen while incarcerated, but the officer's can't watch everyone all the time. i feel for the responders and not the inmate.

  2. Not sure why it's the jails fault when an inmate takes their own life. Everyone has a choice!

  3. Sadly, in corrections as in the outside world, the adage stands true. Where there is a will...there is a way. You can't say "no loss of life should happen while incarcerated" because that is a world you can't possibly understand. You can't stop loss of life in the streets, it happens every minute. Officers follow documented protocol when rounding on inmates; still, the inmates can time this and know exactly when to do what. It's just as crushing for the medical and correctional staff responding as it is for everyone who reads about it.

  4. suicide watch check intervals are every 15 minutes. welfare watches are every 20 minutes. disciplinary lockdown checks are every 30 minutes. these standards are impossible to maintain. that is why these things are able to happen.

  5. Joe look thia up
    Umes is now allowing a BLM course.

    1. Soooooo, what's the problem? We've had decades of white history classes. Your point is?

  6. 5:53. The inmate was a human being. Be glad you did not have his life.

  7. Where was the inmate housed? That's a big question. If he was already deemed sick or suicidal and in a cell under suicide watch he would have been stripped naked and given a tear prof hardly flexible rug like material to wear and that's all he would have in his cell. If done there then yes the detention center is gonna shell out big bucks. If it was in population an investigation needs to be done. Plenty of instances a murder was covered up like this. And yet can still be a possibility in a suicide watch situation.

  8. Follow the rules and work hard and the inmate may not have had his life either. Bad decisions have consequences.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Joe look thia up
    Umes is now allowing a BLM course.

    August 21, 2016 at 8:02 PM

    Joe, he hijacked a thread on the BET Bloggers page as well.

  10. It's really sad that he couldnt find a better way out of his dilemma. RIP, son.

  11. We all are responsible for our actions.
    Quit trying to blame someone else
    No need to be PC

  12. Why is a suicide watch check every 15 minutes when it takes less time than that to kill yourself?

  13. sw every 15 is not entirely accurate since those are actually monitored via video. they are stripped of all of their possessions including normal blankets and inmate uniform. they are then given a non-tearable thin blanket and a suicide gown made of the same material that velcros over the shoulder and front while being housed in a padded cell that is monitored constantly via camera. it's been my experience that most suicides occur in either booking after being recently brought into the jail and denied bail by the commissioner or those that are on lockdown. those are the only ones that i've ever had to respond to during 13 years in corrections there.


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