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Sunday, August 28, 2016

USA TODAY Sports investigation raises questions about Rio cops, Lochte incident

RIO DE JANEIRO – Seven days after an incident that will in part define the Rio Olympics, details are becoming clearer about what happened during a gas station encounter between four U.S. swimmers and security guards, and not everyone has concluded Ryan Lochte and his teammates are entirely in the wrong or that the account offered by Rio authorities is entirely accurate.

Lochte has admitted he exaggerated his initial description of how the four men were stopped in their taxi and robbed by men who flashed badges, as well as his sensational allegation of a gun being held to his forehead.

But a narrative of the night’s events – constructed by USA TODAY Sports from witness statements, official investigations, surveillance videos and media reports – supports Lochte’s later account in which he said he thought the swimmers were being robbed when they were approached at a gas station by armed men who flashed badges, pointed guns at them and demanded money.

A Brazilian judge says police might have been hasty in determining the security guards, by how they dealt with the swimmers, did not commit a robbery. A lawyer who has practiced in Brazil for 25 years says she does not think the actions of Lochte and teammate Jimmy Feigen constitute the filing of a false police report as defined under Brazilian law



  1. Local police use a form of street justice, which includes collecting fines on the spot (cash only) to those they deem in violation of laws. This may not have been evident to the boys, and was certainly not what they're used to at home.
    They behaved like doofuses in destroying property, so that's still on them, but they probably weren't schooled in how local justice works in Rio.

    1. Boys? These were grown men acting like thugs. It is a bad representation of U.S. athletes. Lying is lying..PERIOD. He neglected to mention the property they destroyed, frabricated a taxi cab being there. The laws of this country do not rule the world. You go to another country, you obey their laws. If this were black athletes I'd bet your comments would be full of other rhetoric..

  2. while i am not sure they damaged anything, i am sure they were drunk and looked like prime pickings. either way, in the U.S., if you damage property, it is not common practice for an armed security guard to point a gun at you and demand cash for damages. so i do think they felt they were robbed, maybe he should have said extorted at gunpoint, he chose the wrong words, maybe he should have said they were shaken down at gunpoint. i don't think either side is right, but i dont think he or the other guys deserve to be shunned/punished for their misinterpretation of what was happening on that night. at most , they have already paid for damages so lets drop it.

  3. Thank you , finally. I recently had a conversation stating, that this would never happen here, and in essence they were robbed and yes guns were pointed at them

    He may have puffed up the story a bit, but in reality he was robbed or at least by US standards he was.

    Everyone in this situation was wrong

    ALL this over a couple of bucks and a door? Really? Drop it and move on.

    1. He lied to over and over again. Not a big deal to you but it is to me.

    2. How is everyone wrong? Swimmer is drunk destroyed property and lied about. Then lied again. Then finally admitted to it. I think he should be arrested at once and brought to Brazil.

  4. 342 your adding your own opinion and coming to a conclusion. The security guard spoke Portuguese not English, he carried a Weapon that was completely different to the discription of the defendent.

  5. I don't see how anyone can defend their actions, unless you area complete idiot.

  6. They weren't acting like thugs or they would have been looting and setting buildings and cars on fire. They were acting like typical drunks, with no regard for someone else's property. They tore down one sign off the side of a building. There was a taxi cab there. They did have to give money to pay for the damage. With the language barrier and the fact that they were drunk I think they may have thought they were being robbed, just in having to actually atone for their actions. In the the US athletes don't usually have to do that.

    1. Oh, so that they were just drunk is justifiable? They acted like thugs...destroying property. Maybe next time they should just head on over to your place and destroy YOUR property. Since they will be drunk it shouldn't be a big deal. Stupid

  7. 4:43 you are insane.

    1. He did the crimes and then fled. Man up! Go back to Brazil and applologize to them for attempting to destroy a family owned business. Btw the family lives their. Do to extreme low poverty. So apparently it's totally ok to make fun and lie about the good people of that area.

  8. they went there to pee. the bathroom door was locked, and no video shows them going in said bathroom btw. they peed on some bushes and took down a loose sign off the side of the building. the cops working security for extra money shook them down for what little bit of money they had on them. there was no damage to the bathroom as the pictures show. we have heard about this crap for two weeks yet hillary gets a pass on lying, laundering money, suspected of being involved in people's deaths and a list of other things. yet people want to hang these guys out to dry. locthe (sp) has lost all his sponsors. they agreed to pay tens of thousands to charity in order to leave rio. that's more punishment than most receive when they have actually done something to warrant it.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He did the crimes and then fled. Man up! Go back to Brazil and applologize to them for attempting to destroy a family owned business. Btw the family lives their. Do to extreme low poverty. So apparently it's totally ok to make fun and lie about the good people of that area.

    August 23, 2016 at 11:31 PM


  10. Destroy a family business....?... .. by braking a sign?.... ha, ha........ It seems that police lied more

  11. Something sure isn't right. I have to wonder if he was threatened in some way if he talked. Many don't believe the police here in the USA but will take the word of them in another country that believe in corruption?

  12. Sick of this story the first day. Anything to take attention away from the democrat candidates corruption.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sick of this story the first day. Anything to take attention away from the democrat candidates corruption.

    August 28, 2016 at 10:01 AM

    They can try but there is just too much of it. Killary needs to get a taste of her own medicine. Hey, John Hinkley just got released. Maybe he's up to it.


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