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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Donald Trump Appeals to Black Voters: 'What Do You Have to Lose by Trying Something New?'

"If African-American voters give Donald Trump a chance by giving me their vote, the result for them will be amazing"

Donald Trump made his second appeal this week to African-Americans to vote for him in November’s general election.

“If African-American voters give Donald Trump a chance by giving me their vote, the result for them will be amazing,” the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“What do you have to lose by trying something new? I will fix it,” said Trump, who’s been struggling to attract black voters. “This means so much to me, and I will work as hard as I can to bring new opportunity to places in our country which have not known opportunity in a very long time.”



  1. The Dems haven't brought the black minority anything to be proud about, or anything that raises the bar. They've only lowered it, and created an even deeper and more acceptable hole to climb out of.
    Give Trump a chance to change that, along with all the people who support him. We're tired and financially exhausted by not being able to help anyone in any way that will result in a better life for everyone.

    1. That hole you describe is the wider and deeper hole that more and more people are falling (or climbing) into.

  2. I'm about ready to throw something through my TV.
    The Democrats that are calling his statement "racist" are nuts.
    Especially the statement that he wants to make it so you can walk down the street without being shot.
    The liberals are indignant about this!
    Just once, just ONE damn time, I would like the moderator of these liberal panels to ask this question to both Blacks and Whites:
    "Would you take your wife and kids on a walk through the areas that Mr. Trump is referring to?".
    Hell no they wouldn't.
    I grew up in Baltimore 50 years ago, even THEN you knew better than to walk - or even drive - through most of West Baltimore. And it's MUCH worse now.

  3. I'm curious 2:14, what did they do that lowered the bar? And for the ignorant minds, there are MANY well-to-do, working class black neighborhoods where children ride their bikes, skip down the sidewalks, walk their dogs and play free of gun shots, prostitution and drugs. I don't need Donald Trump in office to have morals, values and motivation. I was taught that by my black family in a black neighborhood. Today, I have 2 degrees, married 18 years and have never committed a crime or lived off the tax payers. White people aren't the only ones who care about their families and communities. #NotoTrump

  4. 5:40
    Yes, I'm sure there are nice working class black neighborhoods (even though I can't bring one to mind).
    Here's the point:
    You and your family are walking down a street at night. To get to where you are going, you can either walk to the left or to the right side of the street.
    On the left is a group of white teenagers hanging out, on the right is a group of black teens.
    As a Black man, which side of the street would you be more comfortable - and feel safer - walking with your family?

    1. As a person who has worked with at risk youth, I can say I feel comfortable on either side. What a bigoted question. You imply that white kids don't commit crime? You are delusional if you think that. That has to be the most stereotyped assessment of youth. I am offended as a mother of 2 black sons who have never been in trouble in school or the community. Exceptional students and athletes...because they were raised to respect others regardless of race or social status. Uuugghhh, stop with the bigotry!

    2. You can't bring one to mind because you probably have never been to a black home at all.

    3. I KNEW this would be the response.
      I am Black.
      And YOU are either blinded by rose-colored glasses, or a complete idiot.
      Fifty years of Democrat rule in my home town of Baltimore has NOT worked.
      I was in Kurt Schmoke's (look him up) class at City College in Baltimore while living on Preston Street.
      He could've been - and should've been - our first Black president. Baltimore City killed that dream.
      Lastly: You better make a better choice for your family when you walk down that street.
      I know. I've walked that street.

  5. Good job 540. I know a lot of professional very articulate African Americans however your choice of candidate for the president should not be somebody who wishes to take away from your hard-earned wages. Who will to continue to sell this country to foreigners, outside interests. Steal lie and cheat to your face!! You need to reconsider your choice. Trump is a positive role model to lead this country back into prosperity. Hillary Clinton is a vote for continuing the globalist agenda to have a jackboot against your face and Mine,by pitting us against each other. Unfortunately some articulate educated people are just too blind to see who the real racist are!! do your research buddy the Democrat Party is no place for a black man... Hillary for prison 2016

    Trump for president

    1. Trump is racist and full of bigotry. Anyone who supports him support his views on that. To be in denial of this is absolutely absurd considering the rude comments he has made towards women, the disabled, African Americans and Mexicans. I will never support racism of any kind.

    2. And to say good job implies that I need your acceptance. I don't. Everyone should be the best person and parent they can be. I'm glad that you know a lot of professional articulate AA, but that's a racist comment as well. Are we supposed to fit your stereotype of being uneducated welfare recipients. Well I've come across many trailer park living, high school drop out, drug using, child molesting whites. Sound like a stereorype?

    3. Guess you are ignorant uniformed coolaid drinker since you think trump is a racist. And your assumption of my " white status" stinks of racism. Your racist comments proves once again the lack of understanding of your peoples history the democratic party and who really are the racists. I dont give a crap about your color your education or social status. I do care if you hate me, hate my rights, my freedoms, my country, my neighbors, my gay sister my way of life or you think i owe you a living, tv and phone. If that makes me a racist so be it. Your kind most likely wont be happy here. So crawl back to your hood, white picket fence, your black panther party, your ivory tower, or your mommas basement. Cause you are very mis-informed. Hillary is a communist. So guess you are too?

  6. Many blacks won't support TRUMP!!! They rather live in fear,filth, and poverty. It gives them street cred. But it's only street crud!!!

    1. Who says I live in fear, filth or poverty? The only one in fear is the white man and his way of life as he knew it....

    2. Really!!9:10 look at your people and you can honestly say that! They are given free rides and they create ghettos. Its all whiteys fault?

  7. We do not need Clinton, a profound atheist, President of this country. Our values have eroded under the Democratic party and I am a registered Democrat. Keep God in you life and in this country!

  8. Love him, but Poor Donald. He is promising jobs for votes and whatever black votes he has now will run away after the mention of jobs. Get my drift?


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