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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Three Ways to Improve Your Heirloom Tomato Yield

Heirloom tomatoes are one of the most marketable crops of the summer. Buyers looking for the best tomato flavor along with a rainbow of colors often flock to farmers’ market stands in search of these summer treats. If you want to grow heirloom tomatoes for market, here are some tips that can help you increase your yield.

1. Mulch heavily —According to Grow Journey, many of the common plant diseases that plague heirloom tomatoes spread by water splashing up from the ground and onto lower tomato leaves or the leaves being in contact with soil where pathogens lie in wait. A heavy layer of mulch not only keeps weeds at bay, it keeps moisture in the soil and helps prevent plant disease. GJ recommends using a thick layer of natural wood chips. When transplanting, the mulch can be moved aside and replaced when the seedling is in place.

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