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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Obama’s end game

If you were Barack Obama – a Marxist revolutionary disguised as a Democrat, who after promising “fundamental transformation” delivered it nonstop during his presidency, but was in grave danger of seeing his beloved radical changes eviscerated once he leaves office – what would you be doing right now?

No need to guess. Obama adviser Cecilia Muñoz, director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, clearly sums up the mission of Team Obama in the home stretch of his transformative presidency.

Muñoz’s entire focus, she boasts, is making sure Obama’s controversial policies are permanently “institutionalized” so they will live on long after she and her boss are gone from the White House – no matter who succeeds Obama.

A former executive with the National Council of La Raza, a radical pro-amnesty Hispanic activist group, Muñoz says job one is “to make sure we build this [Obama’s immigration policies] really into the DNA across the federal bureaucracy, at a leadership level, but much more importantly to make sure that when political appointees like me are no longer here, this is built into what those agencies do and think about every day.”

In other words – and this applies not just to immigration, but to every area in which this president has turned America upside-down, from the economy to “social issues” to foreign policy – Obama’s policies are to be permanently baked into America’s government, bureaucracy, law and culture.



  1. I predict Trump wins and Obama stays in office because he will have us in war with North Korea

  2. I predict both Obamas end up working for or with the Clinton Foundation in some capacity.

  3. This is not Obama's endgame! It is the globalists and those hell bent on creating a new world order. He is just the most useful idiot ever. Its all to ensure a place of power for the Antichrist. Lie, steal, cheat, deceive, kill, ridicule Jesus. He will do whatever is needed. He plans to impose the mark of the beast on all of us! So if you don't see what is currently going on and how we are moving in that direction! You're blind as a bat!
    Just another day in " how the vice slowing turns" So put your head back in the sand and wait for your forehead number. I'll pray

  4. 5:51
    They have eyes, but do not see.

    They have ears, but do not hear.

    We are up against powers and principalities.


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