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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

SALISBURY MSP Press Release 8-2-16 Traffic Accident/Fatal

Wicomico Somerset Community Crisis Intervention Team - CIT

Tips for Grieving College Students and Young Adults:
* Connect with your family members and know that each member of your mainly will grieve in their own way.
*Not everyone in your life will support you in the same way- different people have different ways of being supportive. It's okay to move away from those who are not supportive.
*Directly communicate with others about what you do and do not need. It can be hard for them to know otherwise.
*Reframe your grief (if and when possible) from something negative to a recognition of your love for the person who died. We grieve in proportion to our love.
*Explore counseling as an option. Find a counselor you are comfortable with and that may mean trying a few out. Important note: you should consider professional help if you feel overwhelmed, hopeless, or helpless; you must seek help if you have suicidal thoughts. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24/7) at 1-800-273-8255.
*Engage in a moderate amount of physical activity and monitor your own sense of when you may use physical outlets as an "escape".
*Work to resist the temptation to use alcohol or drugs to help with your coping. They can interfere with the grieving process or cover it up.
*Grief can be a great stress on your body and mind. It can upset sleep patterns, lead to depression, weaken your immune system, and highlight medical problems. See your doctor if you're worried about any health-related symptoms.
(Adapted from: We Get It: Voices of Grieving College Students and Young Adults (2015) by Heather L. Servaty-Seib and David C. Faigenbaum)


  1. Prayers for these kids and their families.

  2. Know the family of the girl. Some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Very close family and the best Grandparents in the world . Wonderful Christian people.

  3. Prayers for the family. A sweet girl gone from us way too soon. Please, to the young drivers (and old ones too), slow down on the roads.... :-(

  4. "It looks like the press release on the accident has disappeared.."

    Thanks for letting us know. It has been fixed now.


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