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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Democrats Fear Cyber 'October Surprise' That Could Sink Clinton

Now that U.S. authorities are confident Russian intelligence agencies are behind the hack of Democratic Party emails, political operatives and cybersecurity experts tell NBC News they are bracing for an "October Surprise" -- a release of even more potentially damaging information timed to influence the outcome of the presidential election and the course of the next administration.

The big question isn't whether more information will be disclosed, they say, but how destructive it might be to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to broader U.S. foreign policy efforts.

Democratic Party and Clinton campaign officials are now doing an urgent "damage assessment" to determine what kind of information might have been stolen and the impact its release might have on a tight presidential race.

"That is a nightmare scenario, and let's hope we don't see that as an October Surprise -- emails from Hillary Clinton's server that have either been in the press or worse, the classified ones that no one in the public has seen," said retired Adm. James Stavridis, who as the former Supreme Allied Commander for NATO is familiar with Russian information operations.



  1. As we get closer to the election I have a suggestion that may help your mental status . I have made up my mind who I will vote for , I will tell you that my pick is Trump. I also believe that most voters already know who they will pick. I have made up my mind to avoid all the media influence for Hillary and the liberal side. This has helped me a great deal , I have a better attitude at home and else where. We know that Hillary has a very bad reputation from the time she went to law school until now. That alone speaks very loud to myself and friends. Try doing the same , you will feel so much better when you don't have to listen to all the ignorant name calling , pointing fingers and verbal abuse from the witch .

  2. I always raise an eyebrow when some government agency says that it's
    "confident" about something. That goes double for Hillary, as when she uses that word we can be sure that she's pulling the wool again.

  3. I think it's telling that the Democrats are worried about an Cyber 'October Surprise'. They know they are supporting a scoundrel. They are willing to drink the Kool-Aid and take the rest of us down with them.

  4. I think it's funny that only the Dems are worried about an "October Surprise". The ones that are not guilty low lives don't have to worry about a thing!

  5. If you tell the truth you'll have nothing to hide. But that's not how the clintons roll.


  6. 7:44
    I have been on the prescription that you recommend for approximately a week now and I has worked well for me.
    Democrats should not fear, but be happy when she goes down. They won't have to vote for her then.


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