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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Ocean City seeks another eye in sky

If Ocean City officials want to fix a more permanent license plate reader at the foot of the Route 50 bridge, it’s going to cost them. As it happens, there’s state funding available for it.

Earlier this month, the city applied for a $90,320 grant from the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention to pay for the replacement of the temporary plate reader at the West Ocean City entrance.

The reader scans thousands of vehicle’s plates in a short time and enters the information into national and state databases that include wanted persons, missing persons, gang members and national sex offender lists. If a plate is included in the database, the system can provide the vehicle’s location and direction of travel.

Digital images can also include the vehicle’s make and model, the driver and passengers, and distinguishing features of the vehicle.



  1. This pisses me off. Is this the state doing this or is the elected people in OC?

  2. Just another way for police to mess with everyone....

    1. It is for your safety

    2. Keep drinking that liberal Kool-aid....Guess it's a miracle the human race has survived thus far, more laws, invasion of privacy and taxes fix everything! Give me a break. Vote for TRUMP

  3. A bunch more felons in OC won't deteriorate the quality of life there much more. It's already pretty far gone.

  4. Really, my registration is legal and I am not wanted, so bring it on. Why be against something that may help up. They are monitoring for the bad element, not the good guys.

  5. 10:58. That is until you are no longer a "good guy.

  6. 10:58 says "They are monitoring for the bad element, not the good guys."

    From what I've read in the paper this year they aren't doing a very good job of monitoring with all the problems they've had. Seems like a giant waste of tax money to me.

  7. Live a law abiding life and you will have nothing to worry about. Why would I object to law enforcement arresting pedophiles and other felons?

  8. So flipping wrong! The government wants to track everyone! This has nothing to do with just bad guys! You cop lovers and i dont do no wrong people better wake up!

  9. This total crap .now they track you without having committed a crime .is this Russia ? North Korea , China, or Iran ?i say just travel from Fenwuck ! Mad this is really a violation of of our rights to free passage

  10. You people telling everyone to wake up, take your own advice. We are in a different time now. Beware of surrounding and hope you make it from point A to B.

  11. I have nothing to hide. Bring on the license plate readers to id and catch the law breakers.

  12. skynet is closing in on all!

    Keep playing Pokémon Go sheep...keep playing!

  13. I think there are some people out there, including on this site, that need to put their tin foil hat on. If you are a law abiding citizen, you have nothing to worry about. I believe there is a policy that any data collected that is not being used in court has to be disposed of within a small period of time. They are not after law abiding people. IF it saves one life or throws one criminal in jail, let them do it.

    I would suggest a little training or community outreach be performed by whoever installs the cameras so that some questions can be asked

  14. 7:02 said "I believe there is a policy that any data collected that is not being used in court has to be disposed of within a small period of time."

    Yeah and Clinton wasn't supposed to use a private server. If you fully trust what the government tells you then you are the one with the tin foil hat. Why spend all that money to catch 1 criminal?


  15. So are the cops getting their daily creel limits at the OC end of the bridge since it's akin fishing in a barrel.

    If not, the question is why not?

    Or just 1984 after a temporary delay?

    Being a good person with nothing to hide is not the issue.

    Continuously collecting information in advance of any miscue on your part is. Did you make a lane change without signaling? Forget to put headlights on? Take your hands off the wheel for a sip of coffee? There is a rule banning those behaviors and we have proof of your criminality, when we choose to use it.

    (an apology if this duplicated; my service froze for a minute as I was hitting Send)

  16. I always swap my tags before entering.

  17. The first time they "profile"' troublemakers entering town, the resulting lawsuits will put an end to the program.


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