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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Critics: Governor’s promise to heal Baltimore rings hollow

BALTIMORE (AP) — When Baltimore’s streets erupted in the worst rioting in 40 years, Republican Gov. Larry Hogan pledged to help heal the city. Instead, critics say, some of his administration’s policy decisions over the last 16 months actually undercut local efforts to address the deep-seated poverty and violence that triggered the unrest in the first place.

The conflict highlights the differences between Democratic lawmakers who want expanded services for their core supporters in Maryland’s largest city and a GOP governor committed to more fiscal restraint.

Baltimore’s rioting was triggered by the April 2015 death of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of injuries in police custody.

Hogan’s response last year was swift: He called in the National Guard to help restore order and sent a strong message of support to local leaders.

But this month Hogan refused to release an $80 million funding package authorized by state lawmakers, including $1 million for the Safe Streets program. The violence intervention initiative hires former felons and ex-gang members to mediate potentially violent conflicts. Without the $1 million, Safe Streets, which operates five sites in Baltimore’s most dangerous and crime-ridden neighborhoods, could be forced to close.



  1. Huh? Why give taxpayer money to non taxpayers who also happen to be felons?

  2. Pouring more money on this problem... is like fire on gasoline they already don't appreciate what's handed to them. why I should WE give them more? its solid family values, good solid jobs, and good education that will bring this problem around but it needs to start with those damn families. All Democrats since LBJ have Fostered Financed and politically supported the breakup of the black family. This is not Martin Luther's dream it's his worst nightmare!!

  3. Let the DemocRATs get their money from Soros since he financed the destruction, New Black Panthers, Farrakhan Nation of Islam and the drug dealing gangs not the MD tax payer. The State Retiree Funds needs to be repaid before this worthless rebuild. Sell the property for back taxes and let private industry rebuild with their own money. That would put the criminals who did the destruction and the lazy government check beholders work for their check.

  4. Let Baltimore burn.

  5. I would like to see the violence in Chicago start in Baltimore, can't happen soon enough. Death to the gang members, and drug dealers!

  6. Change the city government from the top down, then we can talk about helping Baltimore.

  7. Baltimore is the end product of years with Democratic control. Liberal/Progressive/Marxist policies only deliver despair, poverty, and misery.

    I don't care if Baltimore burns to the ground. I just hope that the Orioles are on a road trip when it happens.

  8. I stand with Governor Hogan.

  9. What a load! When a "news" piece uses "Critics say....." - in this case, I'm guessing those critics include the Mayor and Elijah the Communist!

  10. Good job Governor Hogan!

    Let the cesspool heal itself! The residents there voted for this crap - let them see the error of their ways!

  11. Say what they want, but WTF are the Critics doing?

  12. I am sorry to say as I read this it stated deep seated poverty and violence and the article lost it's point. We can no longer blame or except responsibility for others actions. If you are poor work harder it never gives you the right to be a criminal just as being poor is not a crime.

    Sorry I am sick and tired of liberal left views that blame all on someone else. No one in the ghetto takes responsibility anymore. I was raised dirt poor but I chose to make a life for myself. It is all about how you are raised. It has nothing to do with skin color or geographic s. STOP MAKING EXCUSES

    Crime is crime. BLM is a joke

  13. They just got 20 million to stop the sewer from over flowing. They also got a million to help groups that serve victims of sexual assault. Maybe they should stop giving money way to parents of known drug dealers.

  14. The democrats just keep wanting wanting wanting other people's money.

  15. Seems to me we should be spending less money on Baltimore, when all the money already being spent on all the programs, welfare, phones, food, housing, job training, etc, etc. is proof that just throwing $ at the problems (typical political response to riots and disorder)is only effective appeasement in the short run, but only encourages more disorder in the long run. The $ doesn't "fix" anything. Baltimore is the biggest "panhandler" in the state.


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