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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Would-Be Terrorist Turned Down By a Virginia Gun Dealer

A Virginia resident and former member of the Army National Guard just got picked up Sunday by the FBI and charged with attempting to provide material support to ISIS, after which he reportedly told authorities he had “often thought about conducting an attack” on U.S. soil.

The Justice Department stated in a press release that Jollah was in contact with an ISIS member, now deceased, who introduced him to an FBI source posing as an ISIS member in the United States. Jollah met with the undercover informant twice, during which he admitted he was looking to carry out a Fort Hood-style attack he planned to carry out sometime during the month of Ramadan.

Interestingly enough, especially for those who blame guns and the NRA for every mass shooting rather than the terrorists who pull the trigger, the guy had apparently tried several times to buy a gun but was repeatedly turned down -- including by a licensed firearms dealer in Northern Virginia.

More here


  1. Would think this would be a good thing considering all the Democrats are staging disruptive sit-ins while evading taking care of real business in Washington. Of course, on the flipside of that same coin, it's probably better to do sit-ins rather than stay on the path of destruction they insist on careening down every time they put anything up for a vote.

  2. Obama is going to say that is Muslim discrimination.

  3. Great move by the gun dealer! THIS is how it works!


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