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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Van Hollen Plans ‘To Adopt The Mikulski Model’ If Elected

OCEAN CITY — Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-District 8) says there are a lot of similarities between he and US Senator Barbara Mikulski. That’s why he believes he is the man to replace the retiring political icon in November.

In the race to win the US Senate seat held by the longest tenured female in our country’s history, Democrat Chris Van Hollen hopes to earn support for Eastern Shore voters by showcasing some of those same qualities that made “Senator Barb” so likeable here on the coast.

“I want to assure people that if elected, we are going to adopt the Mikulski model when it comes not only the state of Maryland, but also the Eastern Shore,” he said while sipping coffee in a midtown Ocean City breakfast spot last Tuesday.

After Hurricane Gloria ravaged the coastline in Ocean City in 1985, Van Hollen, who was working in the governor’s office at the time, helped put together the plan that became known as the Beach Replenishment Project. Since its inception, the program has been credited with saving over a billion dollars’ worth of coastal real estate from storm damage via the natural levee forged by the sand dune system along the 10 miles of Ocean City coastline.



  1. He'd have a better chance if he had a sex change.

  2. Oh please no! Van Hollen just needs to retire and move on. Maryland does not need him.

  3. I've been here for a long time and I see no similarities between him and Mikulski. But if claiming them is what he wants to do, he doesn't get my vote.

  4. the Mikulski model. would that be bad decisions for all Americans and not hearing from her unless she's running for another term...hmmmmm

  5. Not getting our vote if he's like Mikulski. Not!

  6. From an unremarkable career to senator? I don't think so.

  7. I'd bet their are too many similarities between him and Barbara.

  8. You know, try as I might, I just can't quite figure out exactly what Mikulski did in all those years of service that would incite this person to follow any kind of model she had over the years. I've never seen her as all that bright, so to say she has any kind of model seems a bit of an oxymoron. Purely by happenstance seems more along the lines. Either way, she hasn't really done anything positive so to follow in her footsteps, for me, would the kiss of death.

  9. well, he can't play the woman card, or can he???

  10. 408 in today's times nothing is impossible! He can be anything he wants to be. Jim will make sure there's a place for him to do his business!

  11. Beach Replenishment Project = My tax dollars to pay for somebody's 2nd vacation home. Because they need welfare more than me.


  13. Just another pol riding someone elses' coat tails.


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