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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Trump: Clinton's Use of Air Force One for Campaign 'Total Disgrace'

Donald Trump called out Hillary Clinton's use of Air Force One for campaigning purposes, asking "Who pays?" for the hourly rate of $206,337 (2-year-old estimate) it costs to run the plane, CBS News reports.

Trump tweeted:

President Obama invited Clinton to fly with him to North Carolina, where he will campaign with her this week. 

Trump called it a "total disgrace" that taxpayers are paying for the president and the Democratic nominee to be ferried around for what is clearly not official business of the president. 



  1. Certainly tells the level of partisanship and corruption in that party and administration.

    All the more reason to ditch the establishment and vote for Trump!

    Hopefully, the first thing he'll do is get a real AG and some new charges against the Willy, Hilly, and Chilly foundation...

  2. TOTAL, Absolute Disgrace. They are so Corrupt, they stink!!


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