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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Americans React With Fury: 'If Hillary Doesn't Follow the Law, Why Should I?'

Anger as FBI recommends no charges for former Secretary of State

Many Americans reacted furiously to the FBI’s announcement that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges over her email scandal, with some asserting that since the former Secretary of State appears to be above the law, they would also now refuse to follow it.

“Why should we follow the law when our leaders don’t?” asked one respondent, adding, “This Clinton bullshit has sealed the deal for me. We are ruled by a corrupt cabal that is above the law.”

“If Clinton wins, I’m not paying taxes anymore or following federal laws,” wrote another, adding, “Simple as that. It’s over. They can jail or kill me, I don’t care. I’d rather live as a free American for a day, then spend a lifetime under criminals.”



  1. Hopefully, everyone will adopt that philosophy and create a monstrous civil discord. Only then will we have true change. Who is to say that this could be the start of an American "Bolshevik-style Revolution"?

  2. American Patriotism is on fire, and gov. corruption fans its flames. Only true patriotism can destroy a corrupt tyrannous government!

    LONG LIVE THE TRUE PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Can't blame folks for feeling the way they do. If our leaders don't follow the law, then why should the people of America?

    1. Because you and I would be summarily slam dunked.

  4. In 1968, working as an Admin Clerk with some sensitive material in the USAF, we were advised that just the act of leaving any Classified document on our desk unprotected was grounds for a Courts Martial with the possibility of a General or even a Dishonorable Discharge.
    Do that today with a cell phone and you can be Commander In Chief.
    My how times have changed.

  5. O.K., everyone ready???? Not Going to Pay Any More Taxes, Period, if Crooked Hillary gets to sit in OUR Whitehouse.

  6. What ever, all talk as you all on this blog do... Never put action where it is needed or wanted... Put a gun to that face, in the form of a swat team, you will change your tune, I guarantee it!!!!!

  7. We follow the law because the police have guns

  8. You're all being played. Civil unrest is exactly what the cabal wants. They can sit back and watch while we reduce the population for them. The world can't wait to see the US implode. Who needs terrirism when you've got politicians? BOLO Obummer's continuance in office.

  9. *terrorism....fat fingers on a phone! 😁


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