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Thursday, July 07, 2016

This Top Contender Just Dropped Out of the Trump VP Sweepstakes

Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, a possible running mate on the GOP ticket, has told presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump he doesn’t want the gig.

In an interview with The Washington Post on Wednesday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman acknowledged withdrawing his name from consideration. On Tuesday, Corker campaigned with Trump in North Carolina.

“There are people far more suited for being a candidate for vice president and I think I’m far more suited for other types of things,” Corker told the newspaper.

“It’s a highly political job and that’s not who I am,” Corker added. “We had a very open conversation about that and, actually, we have been very candid about it from the very beginning of our meetings. I left there feeling very good about him as a person but also realized that at age 63, I know the things I’m good at doing and knowing what a candidate for vice president has to do, it’s just not the right thing for me and I don’t think it’s the right thing for them.”

Source: Daily Caller


  1. Haha, guess that leaves Newt and Cristie. Sounds like a race for the last cupcake.

  2. It's politics, Corker knew he wasn't going to get the nod so now he says he doesn't want the job.

  3. All being threatened by the Cintons.

  4. Corker not good for V.P. anyway...


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