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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Caption This Photo 7-7-16


  1. Hillary going to jail

  2. Pipe dream of lunatics.

  3. Obviously, Hillary is guilty of breaking several security laws, but isn't going to jail, at least not now.

    Just as obvious, the Clintons have enough on Obama to assure that if convicted she would be pardoned. As was done by Ford for Nixon, a pardon could be granted before conviction and even before charges. A pardon is forever. Double jeopardy would prevent future prosecution by a future Attorney General.

    Other charges including perjury at the Benghazi hearing and quid pro quo related to Bill Clinton’s speeches and the Clinton Foundation are possible later.

    Hillary is a weak candidate and the only one that Trump would have a reasonable chance of beating. So don’t be too anxious to take her out now.

  4. Won't work on me you peasants! I already have my get out of jail free card and the key!

    Suckers will still vote for me too!

  5. Breaking glass ceilings... and the law.

  6. Perfect logo for the morally and ethically bankrupt Democratic National Party. They've hit a new all-time low nominating the female equivalent of Boss Tweed and Al Capone! Brilliant. You idiots did it yourselves.


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