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Sunday, July 31, 2016


ACLU of Maryland Statement on the Announcement that 
Charges Will Be Dropped Against Remaining Officers 
Regarding Freddie Gray

The following statement may be attributed to Deborah Jeon, Legal Director for the ACLU of Maryland:

"It is a travesty that not one Baltimore Police officer will be held accountable by the court in the killing of Freddie Gray.

"But those who claim that the outcomes of the cases mean that the officers should never have been prosecuted in the first place are just wrong. We cannot lose sight of the fact that criminally charging on-duty police officers in the killing of an unarmed Black man and taking them to trial was itself a historic moment for Baltimore. The trials brought to light the powerful structural barriers that protect police officers in cases of misconduct and brutality-our collective acceptance of police militarization, unequal legal standards, and the blue wall of silence, among other things. For too long, these barriers have been an excuse for not prosecuting officers in the first place.

"As Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby herself said, it is time for our elected and appointed officials to take responsibility for dismantling the structural barriers to police accountability.

"Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis and Baltimore's elected officials have an obvious place to start: Agree to put voting civilian members on police trial boards in misconduct investigations and refuse to cave to the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police in the collective bargaining agreement negotiations happening right now. State officials should follow swiftly in Annapolis by changing the law to ensure that internal affairs investigations are not kept secret."


  1. Voting civilians on boards for misconduct in Baltimore would be impossible!

  2. How can a supposed attorney be so damned clueless?

  3. REDICULOS..... All trying to justify that 6 million dollar payout prior to any court cases.....some idiot was asleep at the wheel!!!! Now these racist want everything changed to try and justify their lack of evidence.....it's over stop crying, the officers should get the money!!!!

  4. So, by their logic... If a surgeon does something wrong, someone who isn't a doctor should be on the review board... Or if a lawyer does wrong, their law review should be decided by someone who has never been a lawyer... Hmmmm... So, when a cop does something wrong, their fate lies in the hands of someone who's never been a cop. Would you want someone who has never been in your shoes and has only a slight idea of what your job entails telling you how you did your job wrong!? "but they vote!"


  5. Wonder if any of the Freddy money is left?

    Cops are quitting at a rapid rate.

    Pretty soon they'll be renaming Federal Hill as Boot Hill!

    Does ACLU mean Always CLUeless?

  6. 4:05 PM are you and the rest of these people that damn dumb????? Seriously, are you??? I get that maybe a Doctor or someone with a medical field background be on a medical board whom seeks justice for wrong doing, but then you don't see them lying for other doctors who messed up... But when you have the code of blue where they protect each other, and will go as far as falsify evidence to do so, how is that considered a cop doing his job????

    At this point, your logic is quite dumb, a cop in today's times can go to your door, ring the door bell and shoot you in the face just for laughs, and will not go to jail for it, as long as cops and other cops cover it up or are on those so called boards... Look at how people who may not even be or have been in the police field suck on the cops ass cheeks so hard the leave lip prints, and justify everything by saying, should have listened to the cop...

    Well what if a cop ordered you to suck on his lower region??? Are you goign to do it??? If not would you say that is an illegal order??? Or are you going to use the same thinking you always do, and say any order a cop gives is lawful??? And if that is so, then would it be OK for a cop to beat you, shoot you or falsify evidence against you for what ever reason all becasue you didn't listen to the cop???? What if you had a 20 or 30 year old weed charge, is that justifiable for the cop to do those things??? Because after all, you think that way and said all orders cops give is lawful, so which is it??? Either some orders they give are unlawful or it is lawful for a cop to beat the crap out of you or shoot you for not sucking his lower region when ordering you to...

    1. Wow, resort to name calling and over the top hypotheticals that have nothing to do with the original statement. Who says doctors don't cover up for other doctors!? Just because the media doesn't report it... Or it's not on the Internet, so it's not true! Medical fraud and malpractice happen quite frequently and it's covered up. Thankfully, there are people in every field who still have moral integrity to do the right thing. Let the media focus on them for a while and the whole climate of our country would change for the better.

  7. ACLU


  8. The ACLU can go to hell. Freddie Gray committed suicide by putting himself in harms way every day selling drugs. It was a life of Freddie Gray's own choosing. No one gave a rats ass about Freddie Gray selling drugs in an alley until he died. He made a choice and he paid a price. The way I see it is there is one less drug dealer on the street. Which unfortunately is just an opportunity for someone else to step in his place. And no one will care about the next guy until he dies.

  9. 4:28 is rather deranged. Take another happy pill and go back down the stairs to the basement before you have a stroke.

  10. “So we had obtained search and seizure warrants for the officers’ personal cell phones. And those warrants went un-executed by the police. We all know that there’s x amount of time for a search and seizure warrant to be executed, and the Baltimore Police Department did not execute those warrants in the correct amount of time and they expired. There was an explanation given as to why, which was not given by command, it was sort of more by lower command.”

    Schatzow said there’s no way to tell how helpful the information on those cell phones could have been.

    The topic of Freddie Gray’s knife, which was found on him during his arrest, was never central in the trials of the officers. It had once been a very contentious piece of evidence, because it wasn’t clear whether or not it was an illegal switchblade.

    “One day, after the charges were brought, the defense wanted to bring their experts to see the van, that was parked in the basement of police headquarters. And so we sent somebody… over there to do it,” Schatzow said. “And she came back with this photograph of an advertisement. In the police headquarters, they were advertising, with a BPD insignia on it, the very knife that Freddie Gray had on his possession.

  11. if some of you could control your hate and just put it aside for a little while we might be able to have a mature and intelligent conversation now and then.

  12. 4:28 You have MAJOR mental health issues. Seek treatment. Otherwise, your next encounter with police WILL be bad due to your attitude.

  13. 4:28 You are clueless. You really really need to get educated and it would start by reading online newspapers from across the country. FYI Every day in this county police officers are found in violation of general orders by police review boards. That's a fact. You can spin it however you chose but I doubt the liberal leaning media is covering up for cops. Many are fired, others demoted, some prosecuted and many found guilty.

  14. The ACLU should be concerning themselves with Mosby's many lies.

    Yesterday Mosby said- "After much thought and prayer, it has become clear to me that without being able to work with an independent investigatory agency from the very start,"

    On May 1, 2015 "The findings of our comprehensive, thorough and independent investigation, coupled with the medical examiner's determination that Mr. Gray's death was a homicide that we received today, has led us to believe that we have probable cause to file criminal charges."

    To 5:22 We have every right to be angry and if you were a person who valued honesty you would be angry as well. This useless POS lied her way through this entire case and if you aren't angry over that then you need to be addressing your own issues with dishonesty. There will NEVER be a mature or an intelligent conversation when people take up for and condone liars so let's get that straight right now. No Honesty No Unity-do you understand!

  15. .."It is a travesty that not one Baltimore Police officer will be held accountable by the court in the killing of Freddie Gray.."

    How odd, especially coming from lawyers.

    No evidence. They were found not guilty, or the charges (that were equally bogus) were dismissed. The COURT (a black judge) said they were not guilty. There was no 'killing'.

    The only thing that was killed was Marilyn Mosby's credibility.

    That's the way our system works. Innocent until PROVEN guilty-- in court, not the press or public opinion.

  16. Not one thing you said $:28 is remotely true.

  17. Internal investigations while not perfect are the best option. The military does it, corporations do it. It works. You can not get outsiders in to do this job for the simple reason they do not have a vested interest in the entity whether it be private or a government agency. This means they do not have the best interest of the entity at heart and can be agenda driven. In the US everyday officers are disciplined by Internal Affairs Divisions. Many are fired, others removed from the premises in handcuffs. While it's not perfect it is the best practice.

  18. You are an idiot 4:28! It is unlikely that anything you wrote would ever happen and if it did it would be someone from BLM assaulting you and a cop coming to help you.

  19. 4:28
    I sure wouldn't want you on the board after going off on that rant. You have been listening to too much liberal television that is fact less. Perhaps get that vile mess pulled out of you're region. You are too far out there to be in society, thank god we have cops watching you.

  20. To 5:22 We have every right to be angry and if you were a person who valued honesty you would be angry as well. This useless POS lied her way through this entire case and if you aren't angry over that then you need to be addressing your own issues with dishonesty. There will NEVER be a mature or an intelligent conversation when people take up for and condone liars so let's get that straight right now. No Honesty No Unity-do you understand!

    July 28, 2016 at 5:34 PM

    anger and hate are two different emotions. it is your OPINION someone was dishonest and that's all it is, an opinion. and how you reached that opinion I have no idea. Regardless, you seem to assume many things so there will never be a mature and intelligent conversation with you until you stick to the facts and leave your emotions out of any discussion. Go cool off your anger and come back when you can think clearly.

  21. Smoke and mirrors. Just a cover for bad lawyering. She brought the charges.
    Didn't prove anything but her incompetance.
    Now trying to deflect blame.

  22. 4:28 you must be a racist cop and the rest of you idiots that go along with police murdering people. Nobody else could be that DUMB.in fact I think you might be Sheriff Lewes.

  23. From some of the video I saw of the Freddie Gray take down, it looked like the blame was misdirected. Officers on bicycles were the ones that took him down, why was this never addressed?

  24. "anger and hate are two different emotions. it is your OPINION someone was dishonest and that's all it is, an opinion. and how you reached that opinion I have no idea. Regardless, you seem to assume many things so there will never be a mature and intelligent conversation with you until you stick to the facts and leave your emotions out of any discussion. Go cool off your anger and come back when you can think clearly.

    July 28, 2016 at 7:19 PM"

    Mosby lied her way through the case 7:19. No one is assuming anything. Go and educate yourself before commenting further. Being low information contributes nothing. Condoning dishonesty has no place in civil society. Do you understand? So now go away and when you decide to become an honest person will your comments have merit. Do you understand.

  25. 11:08 He was not hurt then. He was resisting arrest as he had done 20 plus other times. The video proves he wasn't hurt then, when he is standing on the step, turns his head to the crowd, says something, bends his knees, crouches and step into the van.
    Then for further proof he wasn't injured then, his friend who shot the video, said he could see and hear for 2 blocks, Gray yelling and rocking the van back and forth.

    Anyway that was addressed:
    Officer Nero one of the bike officers was the first office acquitted.

  26. You people need to get over it. The Freddy Gray case is CLOSED! Move on. The facts are while tragic it is mostly at Freddy's own hand that he perished. He was arrested for some reason or else he wouldn't have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. People on here are always saying prayers well practice what you preach. It was the guy's time to go. He went. File over. Find something else to talk about because your arguing and wordy speeches don't change squat.


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