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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Maryland city working to remove Taney bust from public space

The push to remove a bust of Roger Brooke Taney from outside Frederick City Hall is advancing after considerable delays.

The city’s Historic Preservation Commission on Thursday will review in a workshop session an application to remove both the Taney bust and one of Gov. Thomas Johnson from outside City Hall. A vote is scheduled for the commission’s Aug. 11 meeting, according to a report by Lisa Mroszczyk Murphy, a city historic preservation planner.

The application, submitted by Nikki Bamonti, executive assistant to the mayor, comes nearly a year after Alderwoman Donna Kuzemchak put forth the proposal to relocate a bust of Taney from outside City Hall, and 10 months after the aldermen formally adopted a resolution in support of her proposal.



  1. Are they going to haul the Taney out of Baltimore Harbor, too, or just rename her?
    And let's not forget to rename Taneytown.
    Maybe to a name like Revisionistville.

  2. I waiting for the BLM gang to demand the removal of the Washington Monument.

  3. Taney supported the confederacy at every turn...meaning he supported a rebel terrorist group that tried to overthrow the united states government and murdered American soldiers on the battlefield...he deserved to be put in jail...terrorists and traitors don't deserve monuments in our country...

  4. The Confederacy never attempted to overthrow the US government.
    It attempted to secede from it's jurisdiction.

    Once the "States" voted to join the Union, they maintained the right to secede from it.

    The US government in it's present form is Unconstitutional.
    But then, everybody knows the Constitution is just a
    "G** Damn Piece of Paper" - Dubya' Bush

  5. 3:53 Traitors... you mean like those guys in Massachusetts?

  6. As usual replace someone who actually worked hard to make a legacy to be replaced by ANOTHER useless black because they were a slave.

  7. I am greatly offended to have to drive down Martin Luther King Drive, after all, we all know he was a lousy husband that went out on his wife, he was a plagiarizer, he surrounded himself with criminals, he is not a good role model either. If Tanny, and confederate things have to go due to being offensive, where is my right to not be offended?

  8. Utter BS 4:04...Taney supported a rebel movement that seceded and took a large number of citizens out of the union against their will...large unionist pockets across the South in mountain and temperate areas along with federal property, land, and resources...secession apart from being unconstitutional was an act of terrorism that of course led to the war itself...so no, Taney's support of it makes him a traitor to America....

  9. Maybe so 5:00..but 4:04 is correct read the 10th admendment. The fact of slavery being an immoral and illegal reason to suceed,was challenged and the north won!

    1. wow do you know what the civil war was really about because it wasnt all about slavery

    2. Exactly 845! Most people just assume it was all about slavery, when in fact that was not even the root cause of it. I find it pathetic that is all the teach, slavery, South is bad, North is good and Lincoln was a hero. There is so much more.

  10. Ask the people of Taneytown if they'd like the statue.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Taney supported the confederacy at every turn...meaning he supported a rebel terrorist group that tried to overthrow the united states government and murdered American soldiers on the battlefield...he deserved to be put in jail...terrorists and traitors don't deserve monuments in our country...

    July 27, 2016 at 3:53 PM

    If you don't like your country then I suggest you move somewhere like the Middle East, I am sure they would love to have you.

  12. Anonymous said...
    3:53 Traitors... you mean like those guys in Massachusetts?

    July 27, 2016 at 4:05 PM

    Right, the Boston Tea Party and from 1765 to 1783 during which colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy.

  13. The application, submitted by Nikki Bamonti, executive assistant to the mayor

    Sounds a little sneaky to me. Bunch of damn cowards in that little town. They are all doing the same thing that the racist cowards in all southern states have been trying to do since the Charleston church shootings.

    That's what I want, rewriting our history of true heroes to honor lazy blacks just because the white race in America has become weak. What sane person would turn on their race and replace their heroes and honorees with a race that has never really advanced in over 300 years. Pitiful people.

  14. Anonymous said...
    I am greatly offended to have to drive down Martin Luther King Drive, after all, we all know he was a lousy husband that went out on his wife, he was a plagiarizer, he surrounded himself with criminals, he is not a good role model either. If Tanny, and confederate things have to go due to being offensive, where is my right to not be offended?

    July 27, 2016 at 4:23 PM

    I agree with you 100%. MLK everywhere and no one complains. Then you have Congress having a moment of silence for the pedophile by the name of Michael Jackson. Intelligent people the white race has become. NOT!

  15. Anonymous said...
    Utter BS 4:04...Taney supported a rebel movement that seceded and took a large number of citizens out of the union against their will...large unionist pockets across the South in mountain and temperate areas along with federal property, land, and resources...secession apart from being unconstitutional was an act of terrorism that of course led to the war itself...so no, Taney's support of it makes him a traitor to America....

    July 27, 2016 at 5:00 PM

    This is Pu$$y 3:53 PM who is too uneducated to know his history, but he runs his mouth anyway. I bet you voted for Obama didn't you!

  16. Anonymous said...
    Maybe so 5:00..but 4:04 is correct read the 10th admendment. The fact of slavery being an immoral and illegal reason to suceed,was challenged and the north won!

    July 27, 2016 at 6:44 PM

    You are the Traitor! Too stupid to comprehend history books so you accept the indoctrination of of the public school system. When you you morons going to understand that the South did not secede because of slavery. 95% of Southerners didn't own slave so I guess they didn't get the memo that they were fighting so ole rich fatty white man and a few rich blacks could continue to own their slaves.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Ask the people of Taneytown if they'd like the statue.

    July 27, 2016 at 7:22 PM

    I've got an idea, why don't you ask them.

  18. Anonymous said...
    wow do you know what the civil war was really about because it wasnt all about slavery

    July 27, 2016 at 8:45 PM


  19. No wonder people go postal. We've gone nucking futs!

  20. Obama and hillary use the transgender bathroom in the WHITEHOUSE.

  21. 3:53, just remember this when you go vote for Hillary

  22. Slavery was the major reason for the outbreak of the civil war...connected to other issues no doubt..but every professional historian, researcher, and informed citizen on planet earth is aware of this basic fact....

    "Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery -- subordination to the superior race -- is his natural and normal condition. [Applause.] This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."

    -Alexander Stephens (VP of Confederate States of America) secession speech, March 1861.

  23. "secession apart from being unconstitutional was an act of terrorism that of course led to the war itself...so no, Taney's support of it makes him a traitor to America...." The victors write the history and fools like this repeat it.

  24. Donate it to the Bad Comb-over Hall of Fame.


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