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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Secret Leaked Emails Show EVERYTHING, Hillary Being Forced To Drop

WikiLeaks, a gigantic hacking company that works “for the people” has hacked the DNC and released upwards of 20,000 emails that contain some of the most unfathomable information you can imagine. Many suspect the government plots against the ‘little guy’ and tries to protect the ‘bigger’ candidate, and we now have physical proof of it.

In thousands of emails, we now know without a doubt that top officials at the Democratic National Committee have committed thousands of acts of fraud, they have lied, and they have rigged the election for Hillary Clinton. This is not a partisan issue, this is a major piece in this political puzzle.

The emails range from trying to accuse Bernie Sanders of being an atheist to openly mocking and criticizing Sanders during the primary race against Hillary Clinton. I’m telling you, Democrats are talking about a full on fight on the convention floor during their convention this week.



  1. DEMS are godless, communists. period

  2. She cheated, rigged, and stole the primary, now see what she attempts to do in the general election. Every dead democrat is going to vote, many democrats are going to vote multiple times, and non-citizens are going to be allowed to vote for her. Counts are going to be falsified in many blue states and cities. The primaries were just a warmup of the corruption she is about to unleash on this country.

  3. Haven't you posted all this before? Actually Thornton did a good article last Sunday.

  4. And what happened? The Democrats are still pushing for her to become President. Shows how crooked the entire Democratic Party has become.


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