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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Even Bernie Sanders supporters want Hillary Clinton behind bars

Bernie Sanders supporters and Donald Trump fans have at least one thing in common – they want Hillary Clinton behind bars.

A group of disheartened Sanders backers chanted and waved signs outside an Info Wars sponsored van emblazoned with the slogan, “Hillary for Prison 2016,” according to Kayla Epstein of the Washington Post.



  1. HiLieRy and the Dems are totally screwed!

  2. Hilliary will skate by completely unblemished as usual. Too damn bad too!

  3. Dave T: Liberals and conservatives need to unite and learn to work together! We are all tired of living by one set of rules while the privileged follow another. Never before can I think of a time in American history where our government has been so corrupt. Wake up America!


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