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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Nancy Pelosi blows off traffic laws — to shop at shoe store!

U.S. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is above the law, as St. Helena, California residents learned last month.

Local Paul Smith wrote in to the St. Helena Star in June to describe Pelosi’s recent shoe shopping excursion at a fancy boutique, prompting a response from police chief Bill Imboden about the former House Speaker’s special status.

“Last Saturday afternoon (June 4) I’m standing on the west side of Main Street directly across from the Hunt Avenue intersection chatting with friends. Of course, traffic was heavy in both directions,” Smith wrote.

“A large perfectly polished and gleaming black SUV is attempting a left turn from Hunt onto southbound Main (not easy). Suddenly blue/red lights are flashing from the windshield area of the SUV (like you would see in an official fire/police vehicle),” he continued. “I said to my friends, I’ve never seen that before on a ‘regular’ vehicle and I’d think that’s illegal and dangerous. They agreed.”

That’s when the large black SUV jolted across two lanes of traffic, lights flashing, to park in front of a fire hydrant at the high end shoe boutique Footcandy.

“A St. Helena police car happens to be going northbound and pulls into the center lane and the officer starts shaking his arm and hollering at the driver of the SUV. While this goes on a man exits the SUV assisting a woman from the vehicle. She dashes off to Footcandy while he waits by the SUV in the red zone,” Smith explained.

The police officer then drove off without confronting the driver, he wrote.



  1. Not surprised at all.
    What does surprise or annoys me is calling that thing a dignitary.
    Photo looks like she is practicing barking to go on tour with Candidate Clint.

  2. Another person who is above the law.


  3. Laws .... little people.

    Step aside, peasants. It;s the former princess of Bawlmer.

  4. It's okay. One day she'll die of natural causes.

  5. Statutes really are for the little people.

    The King does not have to uphold his own statutes.

    In this case, the Congresswoman.


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