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Thursday, July 07, 2016

JUST IN: State Department Resumes Investigation of Hillary Clinton Emails

The State Department announced Thursday it has reopened its internal review of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server when she was Secretary of State.

The move comes a day after Attorney General Loretta Lynch agreed with the recommendation by the FBI and career prosecutors that no criminal charges should be filed in relation to the incident.

In April, the State Department halted its review of potential mishandling of classified materials to allow the FBI to complete its probe that began in March.



  1. I think this is just theater.. with all the stalling they are STILL doing over releasing the other emails, why should we believe they are serious about this?

  2. has this report been confirmed? something not right here. now with the protests across the nation regarding the police shootings this week and what I'm watching in Dallas, 2 police officers shot. Our nation is quickly falling into chaos and this is what Obama has desired all along, so he can declare martial law. Please pray for our nation as it's only going to get worse without God's help.

  3. Yeah, like the outcome is going to be different this time!


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