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Monday, July 18, 2016

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan shows Republicans how to draw support from both parties

COLLEGE PARK – Throughout the 2016 primaries, national figures like presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders enthralled primary voters with hardline ideological positions.

But Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan took another approach — a form of moderate populism with bipartisan appeal.

In order to gain support in a strongly blue state — the second-most Democratic state in the nation, according to a 2015 Gallup poll — Republican Hogan has centered his efforts on fiscal policies while staying away from social issues.

With Trump poised to accept the Republican Party’s nomination for president this week, he could take a page from Hogan’s play book if he wants to gain some cross-party appeal in the general election race. Or it could be a party lesson for 2020, should he lose to presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in November.



  1. Social issues should not even be a consideration, they don't involve the government and shouldn't.

    These issue do nothing but damage to Republicans.

  2. Yeah we know it's called fooling people. Hogan looked like the hero to republicans when he "abolished the rain tax." He didn't abolish it at only. He left it up to individual local governments which most being democrat are all for the rain tax. If Hogan were the man he would have said NO rain tax anywhere in the state on my watch.

  3. 3:38. I wish more republicans felt like you and me on the social issue front.

  4. who cares about his hollow words.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 18, 2016 at 6:02 PM

    Hogan has to realize - You Can't Make Oeace with Evil Crooked Leaders of Democ-Rats. The RAT PARTY is Rotten from its Head! So before making any deals, get rid of the Scum on the Top.
    Larry, stand your ground and don't be bending backwards!

  6. hogan has shown his true colors by not attending! I'm done with that RINO!!

  7. Hogan is done. Hopefully a real Republican will challenge him next primary.

  8. NO!! He pulled a hillary. Say whatever you need too so people elect you. Another bleeding heart liberal disguised as a Republican. TROJAN HORSE. FOOL ME ONCE!!

  9. Y'all good ole true republicans ought to chase Hogan from office so the state will be run by the democrats for the next 16 years. Makes sense to me! SMH


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