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Monday, July 18, 2016

Beware of Good News That Puts Lipstick on a Hillary

… or hair coloring on Donald Trump. Neither one helps.

Do you scratch your head as I do, when you read one story in the news that says retail sales grew in June and then read another that says retail sales sucked like a drain hole? Often things are not what they seem.

Sales may have improved from one month to another only because they fell into a cess pool the previous month that stank so bad nothing can compare … or because we just entered a month when things always pick up, yet this year they picked up less than in previous years (making it a bad month as things generally go) … or because one story is giving month-to-month data, while another focuses on the more telling year-to-year data.

Today, for example, NewsMax, a fairly balanced place to find economic and financial news, carried a headline that read, “Retail Sales, Industrial Output Data Buoy Economic Outlook.” The article gave the following report:



  1. Smoke and mirrors. The administration tightly controls the economy as well as it controls the tides.

  2. You can put Lipstick on a Pig but it is still a Pig

  3. Please put a filter on that photo. It's scary!

    1. Better yet take it down. Would anyone be all that upset if we never saw that mug again? I certainly wouldn't be.

  4. No amount of 💄 can redeem that 🐷 In my 📚 ! She's just a criminal.


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