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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Louisiana officer fatally shoots suspect, sparking protest

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — A Louisiana police officer shot and killed a man during a confrontation outside a Baton Rouge convenience store, authorities said, in a death that prompted a protest later in the day.

An autopsy shows Alton Sterling, 37, of Baton Rouge, died Tuesday of multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and back, East Baton Rouge Parish Coroner Dr. William Clark said.

Officers responded to the store about 12:35 a.m. Tuesday after an anonymous caller indicated a man selling music CDs and wearing a red shirt threatened him with a gun, Cpl. L'Jean McKneely said.

Two officers responded and had some type of altercation with the man and one officer fatally shot the suspect, McKneely said. Both officers have been placed on administrative leave, which is standard department policy, he said.



  1. Bravo to the cop!!

  2. It appears the police were carrying out the wishes of the DC mafia, whom want to take guns away from everyday citizens. It states that the deceased had threatened a ole boy trying to make ends meet.
    Police are physical with a subject they have been advised was carrying a weapon. Police also were trying to make ends meet and go home to families after a honest day of laboring.

    Then, for no cause more idiots huddle on a corner claiming to be "Big Loud Mouths", screaming "hand up don't loot"

    Now who started this calm protest, again the poor deceased carrying around a weapon no doubt. Maybe the WH is correct, get the guns out of unqualified minions hands.Issue permits to the citizens of honor for protection from unqualified minions.

  3. Once again the thug had a GUN on him scum sharpton is already winding this up on Msnbc.


  5. But I thought this trailer park crowd wanted everybody to carry. This young man was just doing what everybody wants. He was carrying. Is that not the correct thing to do?

  6. When will they learn? Turn off the cameras, then shoot the black man.

  7. Obviously none of you morans watched the video. They had his hands pinned down. Where was the gun? The police lie and you dumb asses believe every word. Or at least pretend to believe just so you can say some racist ignorant comments.

  8. 4:12
    Yes I believe the cop or any cops over a dude that did in fact have a gun in his pocket seen by the subject that made that statement on here.
    If someone yells he has a gun, that's good enough for me, had I been a cop or the cop in this incident I would equalize the situation.
    Too many cops not making it home to their families and that should be reduced to zero.
    Apparently you are not a cop or you would not put one down by saying what you did.
    I have enough smarts to know it would be rough driving on the roads without rules and cops are needed to see that these rules are followed.


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