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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

2nd Poll in 2 Days Shows Hillary's Lead Over Trump Slipping

According to a new NBC News/Survey Monkey weekly election tracking poll released Tuesday, Hillary Clinton is ahead of Donald Trump nationally by 5 points, in a slight drop over last week's results, but when she's paired up against other hypothetical candidates, she comes out behind.

The poll, conducted online from June 27 to July 3, found:

Clinton: 48 percent;
Trump: 43 percent;
Clinton vs. Mitt Romney: 45 percent each;
House Speaker Paul Ryan over Clinton: 47-45 percent
Ohio Gov. John Kasich over Clinton: 50-42 percent.And when other choices are added in, Clinton came out ahead of Trump by a few points, netting 41-38 percent when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included as choices.



  1. So in November she'll be a free person.She has a win win going on & as much as I dislike that it's inevitable.She will be a very wealthy and non incarcerated individual.But on the bright side at least she won't be President.

  2. If the poll sowed Trump ahead by 50 points , he still would lose the election . The elections are now rigged by the Clinton machine. She will be your next ruler or Queen .

  3. an NBC poll?

    Really?I could walk around my neighborhood and get a 95% for Trump!

  4. BS, just BS, do not believe polls. Vote TRUMP.

  5. Don't be lulled into any sense of comfort by the polls. Polls don't dictate how you will vote - that's your choice an no one else's.

  6. 7:48 Unfortunately or fortunately, trailer parks don't get the deciding vote in general elections. The eastern shore vote is less than one square of toilet paper on a jumbo public restroom roll.

  7. 10:10AM, you are exactly correct and the votes on the Eastern Shore have never, ever counted.

  8. BaBaBa..Baby, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

  9. If Trump wins the popular vote, then he will win Maryland's electoral college votes, regardless of how the democrat majority in Maryland votes in the election. That's how our Democrat majority legislators changed the Maryland electoral college rules, after Bush won. This election may be the one where it comes back and bites them. Hahahahah.

    In Maryland, under current rules, our votes do not count in the Presidential elections. Maryland's electoral college votes go to whoever wins the popular vote in the national election. Our legislators have ceded our votes to the popular majority in the national elections. The voter in Maryland has no say in how our "electors" vote for President. If Maryland Republicans vote for Trump, even though the rest of the state votes for the corrupt witch, and Trump wins the popular vote, Maryland Republicans will win when Trump gets the state's electoral votes. And the Dems have no say in the electoral college votes. Hahahahah.

    Marylanders do not even have to vote in the presidential election. It doesn't matter. The state's votes go to the National winner. What a piece-of-crap democracy we have. "At least I voted" has no benefit in Maryland.


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