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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Welcome To Ocean City, Maryland 2016: "A Family Resort Town"


  1. There's idiots everywhere, not just in Ocean City. She probably just came from the Wal-Mart.

  2. They look like paints to me, but since the pic is sort of blurry, It is hard to make out...

  3. I remember when t-shirts had to be worn on the boardwalk for all, a change back in time a little has to be done. I hope this woman sees her picture and knows how badly she looks, definitely young but the backside looks like someone a heck of a lot older and out of shape.

  4. Ahh... hypocrisy... Complain Muslims cover their women too much... then complain Americans cover their women too little.

    It's a beach and that is more cover than a lot of people wear. Get over it and stop casting stones in glass houses.

  5. 10:35 Go away. I was in OC over the weekend and so many of the girls were dressed like total bimbos. Not bikinis or cute dresses just totally trashy revealing and skin tight outfits with heels.

  6. Some serious fighting on the boardwalk Sat night!

  7. Yuck. It's disgraceful seeing all these fat blubbering young girls. I'm 53 yrs old 5'3" and 120lbs. Not an ounce of that blubber on me because I won't allow it!

  8. 10:35 I'll cast stones all day long and YOU nor anyone else tell me to stop is that clear. It better be!
    This abomination is the perfect example of White Trash and so are you 10:35 for even attempting to defend her.

  9. Thank goodness I didn't see this! Is it a he or a she or maybe one of those who hasn't figured it out yet. Whatever it is, they really really really need to lose some weight. I'm sorry but being overweight or "plus size" really isn't anything to be proud of.

  10. Many other countries beach are clothing option and very few women wear tops or full cover bottoms. That is every age. The body is beautiful we Americans can't see that and are ashamed of ours.

  11. Whatever it is, it's ugly.

  12. seems to me like the typical oc vacationer.

  13. Yes fortunately this is one of those prank body suits....butt there is worse walking the boards!!!! Most visitors have little self respect....

  14. You've ruined my appetite.

  15. Public nudity at the least. OC PD where were you?

  16. so no bathing suits at the beach? Old white people are funny...and judgmental. half of yall dont even go to oc the other half probably cant even fit the suit or have the self confidence to where it...but hey...let me just click anonymous.

    1. Bet u fit into your welfare suit ya,all.

  17. Can tell they're a couple!

  18. There used to be an OC ordinance that prohibited the view of uncovered buttocks. Is there still one and is it being enforced at all?

  19. 12:00. Who cares what they do in other countries? Sorry I ve been to other countries where there is topless bathing and its actually pretty gross. Also it's not being ashamed of our bodies....it's called modesty.

  20. Didn't they pass an ordinance that said guys could not sag or show their ass crack with their paints half way down??? This should be no difference...

    Also, I find this hilarious that women don't want to be judged, talked about or called those typical names, and how they want to attract good men and all of this, but always dress like a hooker or a stripping pole dancer...

    Here is a selfie of my breast and butt, but don't treat me like a whore or ask about sex...

  21. "Anonymous said...

    Many other countries beach are clothing option and very few women wear tops or full cover bottoms. That is every age. The body is beautiful we Americans can't see that and are ashamed of ours.

    June 13, 2016 at 12:00 PM"

    Americans always say this but it is so not true. There are very few "clothing optional" beaches anywhere. Most are resorts. There are a such thing as nude beaches at resorts but they aren't as plentiful as most Americans think they are. I've been to San Tropez, the Canary Islands, Isle of Capri, Phuket, Monte Carlo in Monaco and many more. If that showed up on the beach everyone would be laughing and taking photos to post on the internet. If anything people most anywhere else esp females would be very much ashamed to look like that and would not be walking around like that! Americans have lost a lot of class and sense of style compared to almost every single other country and this picture is proof.

  22. only 11 weeks left until Labor Day, the official END of everyone else's vacation time!

  23. Many European countries have top-optional public beaches, as does New York State, where topless is allowed everywhere by state law.

  24. She's probably carrying boob or sock cash.

  25. She looks like the typical woman in Salisbury.Now she needs a really gnarly tattoo like local women have to compensate for excess weight.

  26. This is why our family doesn't go to O.C. anymore. If we want to go to the beach, we go to Assateague Island, VA and shop and eat in Chincoteague.

  27. Um... Disgusting! And is that it's Thug?

  28. Ever notice the people that want to show the most have the ugliest bodies to show.

  29. That should be illegal.

  30. Let me get this straight: Street performers have been banned from the Boardwalk, yet this gal can roam around, visually assaulting people with her pounds of cellulite flesh? Freak shows aren't banned? Shocking.

  31. I seen a 12 yo wearing a thong at the beach where are the punk parents

  32. Wow, now I have my next postcard to send back to the fam!


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