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Sunday, June 19, 2016

OBAMA: “This was an act of terror and an act of hate.”


  1. He doesn't see the big picture and he never will, it's his people and he will defend, defend, defend he was acting all on his own, forget they came forward and accepted the responsibility.

  2. It's an Act carried out by the jihadists Muslim religion fanatics... but also, the globalists and their money!!! Another Rainbow warrior attack, are your ears up?

  3. 20 dead! 42 in hospital. Total count 50 dead. 30 out of 42 died in hospitals? This has US Government written all over it!

  4. Not a word about Islam, terrorist or Muslims. Just another excuse to blame this on guns.

    1. Actually, they have stated it's all of the above

  5. This is your president , a muslim and traitor . He is for the destruction of America. Do you believe it now? His statement is so Zoombie and from the mouth , not the heart.
    We had a registered democrat kill 50 and injure 53 .

    1. Part of the obama ,soros Agenda to wipeout america.

  6. Responsibility belongs solely in his hand. Against all military advice he toke it upon himself to fulfill a community organizer's pledge of withdrawing troops from Iraq who were working with the locals to push back and hold back terrorists. ISIS flourished in the void he created, overran the locals, and became a dominant terrorist force.

    In the USofA he demanded and fought for the rights, values, and culture that made us a great country, a proud country to be shoved aside and subjugated to those of hateful, hate inspired, warring, peoples who vowed death to America. He chided those who fought his maneuvers as wanted to deny a life for innocent women and children.

    Now those "innocent women and children" and those innocent Muslims, have banded together and formed a network of individuals and cells whose sole intent is to force "Death to America" as was was promised, as he not only supported byt advocated.

    Today in Orlando, and almost in Santa Monica, These "innocents lashed out at a lifestyle they abhor - gays. In their own countries they published videos of mass executions of gays, of torture with final acts being tossing bound individuals off tall buildings for being gay. Here in the USofA their demonstration of hate has been mass execution of those they call infidels.

    Thank you Barry for your ardent fight against the America value system and American lives. Hopefully you rot in Hell before too many more lives are lost to your asinine actions.

  7. the scary thing is he does get the big picture--his world is America is bad and Islam is great. He has done so much harm to this country and will take years to get it back



  9. This is just the begining i have been warning about this muslim loving president destroying america they these rasicals are ALL over MICHIGAN AND UPSTATE NY,more to come this summer and now there is a black congress woman looking again at banninig guns.

  10. Trump will become president.

  11. I reads an article where Obama called it an act of terrorism. He did not say Islamic terrorism. He also stated how easy was to get weapons. He did not state his FBI allowed him to get the weapons and get an unrestricted CCW so he could carry where a lot of permit holders cannot. He also did not state this Islamic terrorist was under investigation twice and the cases were closed. So how was he able to get weapons or a CCW which he had to be run through FBI background check? Obama's government screwed up.

  12. Well he finally picked a side.

  13. why can't people get history right ORLANDO was not the biggest mass killing in u.s. history reporters will right anything to get a story BUT now let's get to the point look up your history to the TULSA riots of 1921 55and up to 300 ,mostly innocent blacks were gunned down by national guard troops the killings in orlando is tragic,but the killing of innocent civilians,including women and children is a black day and a disgrace to this country and by the way,i am not an afro-american,but a patriotic white marine corps veteran and am proud to call many of my black acquaintances friend most people of our generation have never heard of this event,but i bet our grandparents could tell us a few things we don't want to hear God bless America

  14. He can't say it out loud. He WON'T say it out loud. He CANNOT say the TRUTH with it staring him in the face in front of the ENTIRE NATION!!!!!!!

    If this does not prove whose side he is on, then nothing will. 50+ dead, and 50+ injured in a gun free zone, and he can't say the words!

    "Islamic Terrorism", "Radical Islam". Islamic hate crimes against innocent Gays.

    The words cannot reach his lips, and they will never reach Crooked Hillary's lips, either! Just you wait and watch!

    What will Bernie say? Persecution because of beliefs is in his wheelhouse. What's the word, Bern?

    Obama needs to go, and we need Trump so badly it's just not funny.

  15. POTUS works for the international bankers.
    He takes orders from them
    They write the script from which he reads on the teleprompter.
    He is their mouthpiece.

    They have deceived most Americans.

  16. 8:15 - yes, he did - it is the Islamic Terrorist's side!
    Most of the rest of us knew it all along...

    The HildaBeast wants to carry on his policies - expect more of this if she is elected!

  17. 8:15, yes, he did. But it's not OUR side. Obama is the enemy.

  18. 8:52. Well you taught me something new today. As a 49 year old white woman I had never heard of this. I'm reading about it now online. Thanks for the information!

  19. The FBI had done THREE.... THREE background checks on the hideous animal who after THREE CHECKS bought an assault weapon and not only destroyed lives but ripped a huge hole in what was left of the feeling of security in this country.

    Today it was a gay bar, tomorrow it could easily be YOU depending on who and how some sicko decides to spend his day tomorrow. If you think that your life has not been changed by this event because you are not gay...you are very foolish. HATRED is HATRED in all colors, shapes and sizes.

    Also, it was YOUR government that made it possible for this animal to purchase a gun. Are they intentionally allowing this to happen as their last stitch effort to have total gun control managed by the government??????? I no longer have faith that the government can manage anything. MY GOD...look at the Senate.

    Some people would have you believe that guns kill people. If you gave me a gun I would not know what to do with it...how to load it...or fire it. I really don't want a gun. But give a gun to an honest and decent person to protect me from corruption at its highest form and that is exactly what the 2nd Amendment was written for.

    Your government made today possible and they will now use this as an excuse to take away your freedoms.

  20. Standing with the Orlando victims. Such a sad state of affairs.

  21. Anonymous said...
    He doesn't see the big picture and he never will, it's his people and he will defend, defend, defend he was acting all on his own, forget they came forward and accepted the responsibility.

    June 12, 2016 at 4:03 PM

    Oh he sees it alright.

  22. Obama is in one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" moments. Being the first homosexual president, who's muslim, you know he is in a hard place. Not only did a muslim kill 50 innocent people, he killed 50 LGBT people. What is the Barry to do?

  23. Man, another day, another living proof that Obama haters are the biggest racists and bigots in America today. The only reason Trump is doing well is because he knows he has racists and bigots like you. Trump is a shameless, opportunistic bigot using this tragedy for his own political gain. America would be stupid to elect this guy, but then again, you are stupid racist c-nts!

    Wow, even now Trump doesn't get it. This had ZERO to do with Islam and falls into homophobic hate crime category. The target alone says what this crime was really about, and ISIS was again not even close to the top of that food chain. To top it off, how does Trump respond to the fact that this was an American who bought his guns legally despite being on the Terrorist Watch List.
    The shooter, Magen was born in the States. Why do some people mention Obama's middle name every time they have an issue with him? Why difference does it make? HE IS NOT MUSLIM. Get over it.
    By the same logic, I must be a religious person because one of my birth names was from the Bible. I'm not.

    Why label crime with a particular race or ethnicity? Crime is crime. Who cares who committs it?

    This is not grounds for impeachment. you do not understand the legal definition of what constitutes a traitor.

    How many guns as Obama taken away from honest law-abiding citizens? Answer: 0. YOU and all your other Pukebart lackeys are the disgrace.

    You are a real scumbag, calling your president such horrible things.

  24. 4:26 AM - he may be YOUR president, but he has never been America's President. Never. And I think you just may be the pot calling the kettle black.

  25. Rogan, it's been a long night and you've had too much to drink. Time or bed...

  26. Rogan ,
    you will fall like your muslim friends , you are part of the problem , not the solution .


  27. 4:26

    You use the cover Rogan. Is that you Clinton, "what difference does it make"?
    Not only do I not use the middle name of the subject you call president, I can't even use or read the dudes name. I had a struggle using the above name. You speak of no grounds for impeachment, I suggest there were no grounds for this individual being in office. Therefore the subject wouldn't be on the table.The two of these pieces of feces sorta make my tummy have issues.
    I won't criticize you because this is USA, land of the free. I do wonder if it is something you took in the sixties, that are now kicking in.

  28. Expect more of this with his Syrian refugee push. We need stop him now cause at 250 refugees entering the country a day we will be overwhelmed. Three or four welfare programs are immediately available to all refugees. Does anyone care?

  29. He was quick to call this an act of terror, yet, Ft Hood was work place violence!

  30. The nightclub was a gun free zone which is why this Islamic jihadist could destroy over 100 lives in very little time.
    People need to arms themselves because we are all targets and Muslims have infiltrated our society thanks to you President Obama.

  31. hope everyone will read my comment and research the truth 1921 in tulsa was a black day in american history all because of some jealous, hateful whites that were jealous of the prosperity the black americans were enjoying because of their honest endeavors have a nice day

  32. Waco = 76 murdered

    Civil War = millions murdered

    The government has always been the terrorists.

  33. Don't know where people got the idea that Obama wants the best for Americans but whoever said this is categorically WRONG. He's made it no secret over the last eight years that he as un-American as a person can be. He loathes everything America has ever stood for. The only reason he wanted to be president was to tear it apart and sell it off bit by bit.

  34. Until Obama I always took American pride for granted. I never thought in a million years we would have a president that was an opponent rather than a proponent of our country. Now that we have, My hope is we can get back to the days when we were not demonized and vilified throughout the world by our own president. Shouldn't their be laws against a president bashing his own country? Or better yet, why would voters vote for this character assassination?

  35. Obama made it happen like the other 33 mass shootings that he's responsible for.

  36. We do not know whether the killer hated homosexuals or not.

    We do know that he was an observant Muslim doing what is required in the Quran.

  37. Rogan, he was on the phone with police between wiping out 100+ targets and the ensuing gunfght with police saying he was doing this as a Muslim Jihad. I don't know where you get your news from, but you need to turn that channel off!

  38. If trump get elected in office will 6 month remove all trash 150 years worth of unwanted stuff created by rogue parties needs be break up for good and defund U.N., E.U., super pac, Bankers, lawyers, and rogue companies. This is what i saying just now.


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