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Sunday, June 26, 2016

This came from Jeff Trivitts at Irish Penny. He has done this at Going Nuts, Outback and another place.


  1. Same trick the Junebugs pull during Senior Week(s) in OC.
    LOSER!!! Pay your F'n bill!

  2. Wish we had a clearer picture of this scum bag.

  3. he's a damn deadbeat....your wording is way to kind! Once you get his name and your tab paid have the police come lock his dumb ass up!

  4. Well, when the state banned smoking, they left it open for this kind of behavior to occur. While it's criminal for someone to walk out on their bill, some see it as an opportunity much like during prohibition, the Mafia formed its crime syndicate. It's just a part of business-as-usual now. Loss prevention is part of any retail/service industry where people pay for 'things.'

  5. 12:40 - I'll respond to your stupid comment when I get back from my smoke break!

  6. They need an outside camera to get tag numbers.

  7. 12:40 W T H The Mafia really...?

  8. LOL you people are so much in the backwoods its pathetic. Of course, criminals are going to take advantage of smoking bans in bars. You expect them to be honest, law biding citizens when they're prone to steal by not paying their bill? I get what 1240 is saying. You guys look moronic for not getting it. smh.

  9. 1249 actually it's your comment that's stupid. Grow up.

  10. When will people learn, you are always on a camera.

  11. 1:05 - just lock us all up in a camp so someone can watch our every move

  12. The guy could have just as easily ordered the burger said he was going to the bathroom and left or not said anything and left. The smoking ban has nothing to do with it. Just another excuse to make a getaway. I am sorry for those who lost their money.

  13. I know a couple of the owners of these bars.
    The owners didn't lose a dime.
    Like most restaurants and bars, the owners make the $2.50 per hour waitresses pay the tab (because they are charged with watching out for this stuff).
    Tell the whole truth.
    But don't make it sound like the owners are hurt or suffering. The waitress skipped the oil change she needed for her car, or skipped a trip to the grocery store. The owners put the money in the bank and planned their next vacation.
    Let us now hear how tough it is to be rich from the poor abused bar owners.

  14. 5:45: If the server or bartender was smart enough to read the Maryland wage poster , which is required to be posted somewhere in the restaurant, he or she may have pointed out to the owner that it is illegal to force the tipped employee to pay the customer's tab. I'm going to guess none of them have ever read it though because they don't feel the need to be informed about their jobs.

  15. There was no waitress involved. He ate and drank at the bar.

  16. 6:19....get real...they know it, but guess what happens when they complain?
    Hint: they don't get more hours, better sections, and they end up being assigned to the non-tipping canadiens. Assigned to "trainees".
    THAT is how the real world works. Oft times, quoting the law to your employer, especially calling them out on a violation, doesn't get your story told in Hollywood. Instead, you're likely to be telling your story at the unemployment office. Or, MORE likely, you get the above-noted treatment and just leave (the employer's intent, actually, to avoid any added state fees).
    He'll be caught. ALL dumb-aces like him get caught. But the owners are neither poor nor, more importantly, deserving of the general public being on the lookout for the guy who took $37 from them. And THAT is retail money.
    All beers just went up 20 cents or something?
    What's up next? An APB on the Dollar Store serial shoplifter?

    1. I'm one of the owners...
      1st - we do not make our bartenders or waitresses pay for walkouts.
      2nd - every penny we bring in is used to support our business, employees, and the local community. We are not a franchise backed by billion dollar corporations.

  17. Somebody out here knows who this jackass is. Please, do the right thing.

    Put his name right here on these comments!

  18. It's the same mentality as those who panhandle around here, if you think they care about you being a sucker they don't, they go to churches all the time asking about hand outs too, but do you think they return to help when work needs to be done as a way of repayment? Do they go around and do yardwork to make a little $ the signs are for money not jobs offer them a job just once see how fast they turn it down.

  19. Thanks Scott for you response.

  20. 1:56,well said and your 2nd line it would be nice if local large contractors felt the same way toward us local small sub-contractors.

  21. Get better cameras. What are we supposed to do with this blur?


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