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Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Viewer Writes: City needs money

The city must be in need of money, because during the rain today they issued warnings on the E side.

One example is my neighbor who got a warning for the small amount of grass in her sidewalk cracks.

But as you can see in the other photos - for years, they have done nothing concerning the condition of the property around the corner.

Mini landfill, over growth, and a dead tree waiting to fall on a passerby.


  1. This is nothing. I live out in the county, and I have a neighbor who put his sofa out in the back yard over five years ago. The grass has grown over top of it and he says he doesn't have the money or a way to get it hauled off yet he has the money to buy a new car!!!! He mows the front yard maybe twice a month, and leaves the backyard. He has trees growing up the side of the house. I've been over more than once to help him mow the grass because leaves his mower out to the elements, and can't figure out why his mower won't start in the spring?

    1. Somebody who says he can't get rid of a sofa has no imagination.

  2. Your tax dollars at work.

  3. There should be a place to post picture of places that use there yard as a dump.

  4. I'll tell you why some houses never get charged and nothing is never done, rental properties and their slumlords don't have to take care of things homeowners do. The worst houses in the Presidents neighborhood in Salisbury have weed trees their porches are stacked with everything you can imagine, no paint on houses, green mold all over the ones with siding. Trees that hang over the streets, wires than dangle dangerously everywhere . Multiple mail boxes that signify multiple residents, cars in front yards number up to 5 and 6. The yards on these properties get their grass cut 0-2 x per year. Windows that are broken or left open, vacant homes, watch the 4 legged critters run in and out of them all the time. The ninth ward in New Orleans look here in Salisbury.

  5. It's a rental house. Look it up. The mop in the trash bin in June and the empty window are clues.

  6. I agree with 8:20 AM.

  7. I heard that 6+ people on that block got warnings for minuscule amounts of crack grass.

    This is not the first time they have pulled this ridiculous crap. It rains for days so you can't mow or trim and while it is raining or the very next day these jerks are out issuing warnings.

    The sad part is, when there are real issues like the E Church St home, they do nothing. That trash and those mattresses have been there for YEARS.

  8. I dont understand why you're complaining about getting a violation. Look at the sidewalk, the next three houses will get one. Its not a pity party for you. Take some pride in where you live. Also, it looks like you spend a little time edging as well, yet you cant get those few pieces of wire grass?

  9. Neighborhood code enforcement is about as corrupt as the White House!
    They will write up people as vindictive payback if you complain about them not doing their job and "overlooking" certain properties.
    Russell has a psychological attitude problem also. That guy isn't right.

  10. 10:23 no one said it was a pity party.
    Sorry you fail to comprehend the real issue.

  11. I got a warning about my ivy draping on to my sidewalk from my fence and my college student neighbors had on their lawn a burned sofa.. Wet Mattress and broken Tv.. I had pictures of the code enforcement officer driving by that front lawn to my house to give me a warning! When I pointed out the othwr house he told me to trim my ivy and then mind my own business ... Nice

  12. in da bury you are supposed to put mattresses in your yard to keep the weeds down

  13. 4:17 the reason you were treated that way is because most likely you own your own home and they know you will take care of it or pay a fine. The kids next door I bet rent and they or their landlord will never receive a citation and it wouldn't be paid if they did receive one. It is almost like when they drive through the city they have a list of owned homes anything else they don't see. Like Debbie Campbell used to say " If you don't enforce the rules and use them why have them at all". The few pay their taxes for all.

  14. 5:30 - 😂 LOL

  15. Take a ride on any road in Fruitland your tax dollars are NOT at work there.


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