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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Texas High School Says No to Honors Recognition Because of Feelings

High school graduation is a time for students to celebrate their accomplishments and hard work. It has been a tradition among students to showcase their academic honors and achievements with decorated stoles and cords.

Plano Senior High School in Texas has broken with tradition by prohibiting students from wearing National Honor Society stoles, according to news reports. The society’s mission is to honor outstanding students and prepare them for leadership and lifelong success.

Garrett Frederick, a Plano graduate and member of NHS, learned he would not be allowed to wear his stole as he walked across the stage, 12 News reported. Frederick earned the stole by maintaining a high GPA and completing 20 hours of community service each semester.

“I’m not just an honor student, I’m an NHS student. I worked hard. I put in the hours,” Frederick toldWFAA.com.

Frederick’s mom, KellyAnn Frederick, contacted the school but said an NHS sponsor “claimed school administrators want everyone to feel included in graduation and not single students out.”

KellyAnn said she had not been an NHS member in high school but felt “OK” when her friends wore their stole.

“They deserve it. They worked hard for it. If you choose not to work that hard, then that’s okay,” KellyAnn told reporters.



  1. I did red something about this , they stopped this not to offend people of the minority races because none were on the honor roll.

  2. How is America going to last until 2017 under this treasonous anti american pt a hole president.

  3. First off most of the student body could care less who is in NHS. The ones who do care and earned it should be allowed to wear it. The other who do care and didnt earn it just learned a valuable lesson. Work harder. I was one of those that wanted to earn the NHS distinction and I did not make the grades or have the requisite AP courses needed to earn that honor. Instead I played 3 sports. I knew that the AP courses would be to much for me to handle on top of my other responsibilities. I was happy for my friends that got into NHS.

    This is nothing but the dumbing down of America and the slow strangulation of motivation for our youth. Its a weak move made by weak minded people. Its revolting.

  4. Somebody in Plano has been sniffing the plastic fumes for too long.

  5. I think the honor students should sue the school board. That to me is discrimination by the school against those students that chose to do well. How very sad for those students and parents!

  6. So did they also stop giving out trophies for sports? Were championship games stopped so as not to offend the less athletic?

  7. It is an honor. However, its not what you do in school its what you do when you get out.

  8. 9:36. Right on!
    Liberals PASSIONATELY HATE success because they are generally not competitive in a free market. They do not like that SMART people see through their facade of intelligence so they try as hard as they can to get an advantage by means of some ridiculous excuse. Case in point, affirmative action. Doesn't NHS have to allow a certain # of minorities no matter what their achievements?
    Good luck in the real world with that.

  9. Maybe those people who didn't earn the stole should feel bad, if they didn't do the absolute best that they could. There's a price to pay for slacking. Those NHS kids spent a lot of time and energy in order to excel in school, and deserve the recognition.

    And this comes from somebody who was not eligible for NHS honors. While I didn't get a really high GPA, I was able to work myself up from average and above average level classes into honors and AP classes while in high school. I graduated with the 2nd highest amount of college credits in my class of ~500. I wanted the financial benefit of a year less college (roughly $40k in less tuition and and extra year working) more than the honors cords that don't matter at all after acceptance into college.

  10. common core at its finest, thanks osama

  11. If there are no losers, there are also no winners.

    Communism, pure and simple.

  12. We're talkin about Texas. Texas....uh TEXAS!

    Nothing new there!


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