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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Stanford University sex attack sparks outrage

Los Angeles (AFP) – The father of a Stanford University student convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman has come under fire for dismissing the crime as “20 minutes of action.”

The judge who oversaw the case in California, Aaron Persky, has also sparked outrage for sentencing Brock Allen Turner to six months in prison and probation for the assault, saying that he feared a stiffer jail term would have “a severe impact” on Turner.

The 20-year-old student from Ohio had faced up to 14 years in prison for the January 2015 assault but is now expected to serve only three months of his six-month sentence in a county jail.

His father said in a public statement at the sentencing hearing last week that Turner did not deserve to go to jail.

“(Brock) will never be his happy go lucky self with that easy going personality and welcoming smile,” Dan Turner told the court in his statement made public on Monday. “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve.

“That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.”



  1. They should lock the father up and let bubba give him 20 minutes of action and see if he feels different. The son should also have to serve more than 3 months!

  2. Fair and Impartial...I think NOT. This judge needs to be pulled down from his high horse and OFF the bench.

  3. wasn't in the courtroom but from what I have read the girl does not remember that evening just the next day. so we are assuming that she did not want this to happen. not saying it is right just saying that when we drink to the point we do not remember we sometimes ask for things we do not want

    1. The girl was drunk and passed out so of course she didn't give consent. And I'm sure she didn't ask for it either, whether drinking or not. This just another situation of "white privilege " that people get away with. Sorry to bring up race in this but, I wonder if a black man would have received such a light sentence. Hmmm, think not.

  4. Just wrong! Maybe the victims father should take care of punishing the punk!

  5. no wonder this boy thinks he's entitled to do what he wants, his father has obviously taught him that mind set, they should both be jailed.

  6. 10:17 While there is an expression "rolling a drunk" the person doing the rolling is the guilty party not the drunk. The same is true in this case.

  7. Maybe they should use this to warn women not to drink too much.

    1. Maybe this should warn men to not take advantage of a woman who is drunk. Men who rape are insecure, losers and cowards. For some men, they can't face rejection and taking advantage of a woman is the only way they will "get some."

  8. 5:04
    Maybe she only had one drink. He could have very well put something in her drink.

  9. Hey 10:17, What gave that boy the right to take advantage of the drunk, passed-out girl. He took her rights away from her. She made a poor choice getting so drunk that you aren't in control of what you are doing but he made a more conscience choice to take advantage and video taped it! I'm sure that was a proud day in his life. Sounds like a bully to me. Why would you do something like that to another human being. What kind of monster is he? Certainly not the kind of boy I would want my daughter to have a relationship with. He obviously has no respect for women. If he did, he would have helped her and made sure she was in a safe place to sober up. Only entitled would think they could do such a thing. HE IS A MONSTER WHO'S FATHER HAS BAILED HIM OUT OF EVERYTHING THAT HE HAS DONE WRONG!


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