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Sunday, June 19, 2016

OC Beach Patrol Captain Could Face Discipline After Email On Locker Room Use

The head of the Ocean City Beach patrol could be disciplined for an email he sent to his lifeguards about which locker room to use at the beach.

The Baltimore Sun obtained an email that was sent by Captain Butch Arbin to his staff.

In the email, Arbin reportedly told his staff that males use the men's locker room only. Females use the women's locker room only. He then allegedly said if you are not sure “go to Target.”

Target stores have been in the news recently as the debate continues over which bathrooms transgender people should use. Several weeks ago, Target told its customers that they could use whichever bathrooms that match their gender identity.



  1. I sure hope not, as I agree with his email 100%.

  2. The whole world is going nuts. Did anyone see the editorial in today's Daily Times where they were slamming Republicans in regards to the Orlando shooting? Because the words were said: I am praying for the victims families, etc. They are mad because the Republicans aren't saying the word "gay" in any of this. When there was a different shooting, did the Republicans say they were sorry that the heterosexuals got shot? NO! The gays want equal treatment, and when they get it, it's still not good enough. The liberals are making my stomach turn. Okay, that's my two cents for today...

  3. more bs from the pc crowd.

  4. This is so wrong, he told the truth, and clarified which bathroom to use. Even if you are screwed up in the head, he pointed you in the right direction.

  5. This is ridiculous. Who ever comes out against what he said needs to be looked at.

  6. Captain Butch Arbin for President!

  7. Go to a muslim country and try using the 'other' restroom; more than likely the outcome will not be good.

  8. They will bow to Dem/Lib pressure and censor him. And then begin construction on a 3rd locker room; and a 4th, if they're feeling really guilty.

  9. This is a bunch of bulls***, wonder what OC official complained about it? However it was can probably be found shopping at target regularly

  10. I agree with the Captain's email completely.

  11. Kenny Butler, Allen, MDJune 16, 2016 at 2:10 PM

    I will absolutely lose all faith in O.C., and O.C. I've not got much left to lose on your BS, if there's even the wagging of a finger in this man's face.

  12. What, Butch told the truth, he should know better......

  13. That Ocean City official, whoever she is, should be put in her place! What is wrong with people?????The whole world is falling apart with all this PC stuff!


  14. Support his intentions, his email and his viewpoint.

    Guess he could direct them to pee in the big pool!

  15. Look, give him credit, he "called a Spade a Spade" and it is what it is!

  16. This is all about the PIO Jessica Waters throwing him under the bus. A trivial mistake she has embellished. Another Recor leftover.

    1. EXACTLY! Her comments that he was so wrong, what happened to it's a "personel matter". I know for a fact she is every bit against a stellar employee. The citizens need to speak up, this is a travesty.

  17. I worked with Jessica during her tenure with OCPD. She is simply doing what the Mayor is telling her to do, "deflect the bad publicity to anyone but the Town" She never had any ethics, just a mouthpiece.

  18. Wait until it comes out who dropped the dime to the post ..... ummmmmm Jessica?

  19. Maybe it was the same source in silly hall, that dropped the dime on Recor? I believe karma will take care of the little ladies in and around the City Managers office. Connect the dots, it's not really that hard. In the meantime, the BP Captain is being thrown out with the pee water, and should be given an award.

  20. This has now made it to the front page of foxnews...he stands no chance of keeping his job now.

  21. Yes because the biggest threat to LGBT are the cake bakers and the bathroom police. Really? This is ridiculous. It sounds like these guys were using the girls locker room because the line was shorter not because they were transgender. No one was trying to offend anyone...if you really try hard enough to be offended I am sure you will be successful. After the events of the last week I would think worrying about physical harm would be the focus.

  22. It's a disgrace what Mrs Waters and the Town has done to this fine man. Shame on you! Your way to good for them Captain.

  23. When the Police Department was going to fire Jessica, the "star" Recor moved her to city hall, how's it working for you? She has never worked over 30 hours a week since she was hired.

    1. Try 20 hours, and even then just playing on shopping sites.Yep, poor Butch thrown to the wolves.

  24. Interesting it took this to once again show just how worthless the City Hall 2nd floor girls are. The one next to the CM had no business throwing in her 2 cents. 2nd thought, that's all she has.

  25. This is important compared to the worst crime in years, or the dozen unreported drug fatalities? Our M&CC need to get their own priorities straight. Award the Captain, and fire the PIO.

    1. Not important, it's just this got leaked to the Washington Post, crime doesn't.

  26. The OCBP performed flawlessly again this weekend! 100% due to the leadership of captain Arbin. The Sargent named herein couldn't lead wolves to dead meat.

  27. Target has become the American example of perversion promotion. I will NEVER go there again. They will be made an example of what happens when perversion is promoted over common sense. Every other PC BS retail store CEO please take notice.


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