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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Clinton Laments Income Inequality While Wearing $12K Armani Jacket

Hillary Clinton wore a jacket that costs more than $12,000 when she discussed income inequality and other economic issues following her victory in the New York primary earlier this year.

According to the New York Post, Clinton sported the $12,495 Giorgio Armani jacket when delivering remarks in New York City in April after defeating competitor Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) in her home-state primary.

The price of the jacket constitutes roughly 40 percent of what the average American worker makes in a year. According to the most recent data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the median income for U.S. workers in 2014 was $30,815.



  1. She has no clue as to how the
    average American lives---and
    could care less.


  2. That nasty female (?) would still be a low, no class whatever if wearing a $112K jacket.

  3. Nobody should need to wear any clothing that expensive.

  4. And to think, she'll only wear it a few times in public. Maybe after this public revelation she'll never wear it again.
    It would be interesting to note how much each of her many, many outfits cost.

  5. Naw, she got in Filene's Basement for $8.

  6. It didn't make her look one bit better! Money doesn't make a person, and this is proof!

  7. Remember the firestorm Palin received when she bought new clothes when McCain picked her as VP? The media was relentless. Where is the MSM now?

    1. Palin looked good in plaid flannel shirts and blue jeans. Can't say that Hillary looks particularly good in anything she wears.

  8. Pant suits are so out of date, just like Hillary. She covers up her body from head to toe so no one will see her saggy 70 year old skin.

  9. MSM is still dumbfounded with both nominees..they as well as her = simply CLUELESS


  10. 2:24
    Yes I do remember, but the difference is Palin was looking good. However, this one is not noticed due to a cold interior that seeps through. I've seen much prettier jackets come from the bargain basement or yard sale.

  11. I thought she got all her fashions from the former Chinese dictator Mao Tse Tung

  12. Hillary Clinton is the worst of the worst. A lying, corrupt, pillager. A Predator, profiteering on the masses. She should be in shackles chained to a wall while people on the other side of the glass look at her and shake their heads in disgust.

  13. I wonder if it's made in the USA?or how much the poor little Pakistani kids were paid to sew it for that little stupid ignorant tard hillary. HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016

  14. If their is a Satan...it is Hillary.

  15. I wonder how much Donald Trump's suits cost. I doubt he's shopping at Men's Warehouse.

  16. She is without shame.

  17. The difference is 530 Trump is a self-made millionaire he can wear with that he wants!!Hillary on the other hand as a lying cheating crook who demands equality and social justice. all while she's wearing $12,000 freakin chinese communist garb. Trump will put you to work so maybe one day you'll be able to afford such a coat. Hillaritard will have you hand it over to cloth the little ones,enslave you, take away your rights to own one and and tax you to death so you'll never ever get to own one of thoses ugly commie jackets anyway.

  18. trump can only put those to work that are willing to work. and whatever happened to all those shovel ready jobs Osama promised, oh that's right the shovels didn't fit the hands

  19. 705, those jobs never happened, look it up and read history.

    Instead, good, full time jobs with benefits were lost, and two part time jobs without benefits replaced them.

    The result? Jobs doubled!

    yay. You are such a dick, I mean, democrat.

  20. 3:28 she covers her body because she is a man, and don't want people to find out she has a bigger pair than Obama.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Pant suits are so out of date, just like Hillary. She covers up her body from head to toe so no one will see her saggy 70 year old skin.

    June 13, 2016 at 3:28 PM

    She doesn't want anyone to see her fat, varicose veins.

  22. Looks like a potato sack.

  23. She would look better in stripes!

  24. Irony- only not funny. Can we take away the armed men who protect her when she takes away our right to bear arms?

  25. Look at Bill...waving at a mistress!

  26. Armani must not think much of Hillary. Her outfits are a disaster. Looks like the borrows the wardrobe from the leader of North Korea. Then again, nothing could disguise her true allegiance and lack of any morals or character. A criminal wears no fashion well.

  27. This myth has been debunked. Just look at snopes. But I am sure this will never get published.


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