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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Left Wing Radicals Threaten Hispanic Trump Supporters: WARNING, Foul Language


  1. This just backs up Trump's "wall"! They have no idea how much they are helping Donald J. Trump towards being our next POTUS!

    Please vote for our Constitutional Country in November. Vote Trump 2016.

  2. The commies are crapping there pants. The illegal hijacking of our country will no longer be tolerated. The lefts experiment has failed. It has resulted in the current twisted idealogy dilemma we now face in this nation. It is why it must be stopped.

  3. Pull your 45 and move on too the next one! !

  4. @8:31, exactly right. In fact, the "leaders" (Marxists) around the world are all on notice and are kicking and screaming just like the local Nationalist Marxists Chuck Cook , Ron Pagano and Jim Ireton. There is already too much twisted Socialist ideology in our Capitalism!
    They hate it because they are failures in a Capitalist world so they go into "public service" politics. In other words, they want two or three people to help them push their own cart! The freeloaders!
    We will elect Trump, then begin to FLUSH and CRUSH these unfit arrogant leftists out of politics, society and back to the pizza business where they can work and pay taxes! Feel that capitalist burn!

  5. This stuff only fuels more support for Trump.


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