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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Democratic Rep Trashes the Declaration of Independence



  1. I've heard testimony from the like of her about an island tipping over if all the people ran to one side, and as little sense that made, this one has PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt that she has only one working brain cell, and it's WRONG!

    These are our lawmakers. Laws that we must abide by or go to PRISON!

    There needs to be another way to cull these idiots besides elections every 6 years. When they get this bad, it's time to carry them off stage and put them in the "Home".

  2. It's the liberal democrats who have ruined our Nation by ignoring our laws except for those that benefit them. They swear to uphold our laws and Constitution but do the opposite. Why are we letting them get away with it? Why can't we impeach them all? Just need to hire a gutsy attorney team to do it on behalf of The People. They're spending our tax dollars on everything else, why not legal fees to get rid of them!

  3. The island of Guam will tip over if we add 8,000 troops to a 175,000 population, and Hodges needs to realize this.

  4. That is what democrats do!

  5. Need to have some black guys rape her in the underground parking garage.


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