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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Trump Clarifies His Views on Buying Back Debt at a Discount

"We have to lower debt," Republican Donald Trump told ABC's "This Week" in a Friday interview, which aired on Sunday's show. But on Monday, Trump complained that his views on lowering the debt were misrepresented by the New York Times and other media outlets, and he tried to set the record straight on CNN's "New Day."

I said, if we can buy back government debt at a discount, in other words, if interest rates go up and we can buy bonds back at a discount, if we are liquid enough as a country, then we should do that."

Trump says he never advocated defaulting on the national debt or going to creditors such as China to restructure debt.

"First of all, you never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, OK?" Trump told CNN. "You know, I'm the king of debt. I understand debt better than probably anybody. I know how to deal with it, very well.



  1. And he's got his own bankruptcies to back him up.

  2. Trump is desperately trying to signal to the Bankers (bosses) that he is their man.
    He will do their bidding. Otherwise, he will not be allowed to win (crowned king).
    He knows where he stands. The people don't know, but he does and that's all that matters.

  3. The 2008 financial crisis was mainly caused by those inside the Wall Street financial system who believed that their criminal acts would not be punished. And they weren't. And now they're giving big bucks to Hillary's campaign. What does that tell you.

  4. If anyone can bring this under control, Trump can.

    Or would you trust Hillary or Bernie to do it?????

    Get real, here.


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