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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Map of LGBT population is shocking everyone – but NOT why you think

You’d think, reading newspapers and magazines, watching television and movies, that the whole world is turning gay, or if not gay, then identifying with a different gender. You’d think this is so widespread that clearly the United States would need to completely change its laws, redefine terms and ensure civil justice! After all, we did it for black people, who represent about 14 percent of the population. Why would we not do this for LGBT people who represent 15 percent? Twenty percent? Right?


This just shows you how amazingly well the LGBT lobby has done to elevate its cause. You really want to know what percentage of the U.S. population is LGBT? LESS than FOUR percent.

And here’s the real kicker. Guess which state has the highest LGBT population in the country. WASHINGTON D.C. Approximately 10 percent of your nation’s capital belongs to the LGBT community. More than double the national average. Only Hawaii comes close with 5.1 percent.



  1. Dave T: interesting read again. My only issue with this, is where is the rest of the media when it comes to reporting real news ? Time and again I see this pattern. Thank you SBY News for informing our community and doing the hard work that the lame stream media avoids. Thank you for your persistence and diligence toward the responsibility of delivering the news.

  2. The corrupt media is the root of all evil.

  3. just like Muslims. They make up less than 5% of the US population but are causing us all to live by there rules. Same as the gays and queers. If you are gay that is your choice. Lets keep it behind closed doors so we do not have a generation of kids who are gender confused.

  4. Its all part of an evil agenda. It attacks us on a daily basis, weakening the lost. All things good are twisted and deception is the new norm. Its all due to the "hidden dangers of the rainbow". We are moving towards a New World Order. This new Age religion that is being nutured by our leaders, the seeds planted and growing. This un godly religion opens his arms to the vile and immoral practices of the pagan. Believe it or not but most of these issues are for the glory of Satan and not Lord Our Savior Jesus. Payback for this detour in our history is going to cost us our sovereignty, nationality and our freedom if it's not stopped soon.

  5. The reason for the full hardcore press is due to the fact that our children have been indoctrinated in the public school systems to accept this Behavior as normal it's a sad day for our nation. WWJD? he would love the sinner but hate the sin, I try to follow that

  6. This country is not majority rules.

  7. Yeah, I hate living under shariah law, too, 4:44.

  8. It is a political agenda. They are forcibly changing the culture. They are mind controlling us through the media. It is hugely powerful especially with children. Get them away from the television! Now!

    The Think Tanks like Rockefeller Foundation, control the message. The media itself is owned outright by the 1% and they don't intend to relinquish control. The media is very powerful and the people totally underestimated it. The damage is done.

    We lost our minds and are losing our souls.

  9. I see DC is colored red, I always new there was a lot of sucking up going on there.

  10. I just don't get it.

  11. Middle class white folks need to get off their pcs and start demonstrating and lobbying in DC like they do! Let your voices be heard where it counts!


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