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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Today's Survey Question 5-13-16

I see a lot of Trump yard signs, Make America Great Again hats, Trump bumper stickers, a FEW Bernie stickers, but HAS ANYONE SEEN ANY CLINTON SIGNS OR STICKERS??? (besides the ones that say Hillary for Prison 2016)


  1. My Trump signs keep getting stolen or destroyed. Its ok though, I am steadfast in my support.

    Killary for prison 2016

  2. Never thought of it but I've seen none. I think that people are afraid to advertise for her because they will look stupid or am too embarrassed.

  3. Is this post from Peggy Noonan? She must be in Palm Beach again.

  4. My TRUMP sign is up next to a thugs house.....)


  5. Please excuse this comment (not relevant to the post), but I can't get through to Fox, etc.

    I don't understand this Paul Ryan subject stating he doesn't know Mr.Trump.

    Guess what simpleton, I voted for and donated to you and the other loser and didn't know either of you. I know you now and want my refund because I don't like knowing you or Slick Mitt.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent.

    President Trump!!

  6. Hildabeast in a prison near you. Although the warden might take a look at her and not be sure what gender she is. That would be a gender confused warden.

  7. There haven't been many signs in our area for either candidate for this election. What does that tell you?

  8. I have not seen any, but then again maybe people in this area have common sense to know that woman (Clinton) is out to ruin what Obama has not already done. She is a crook, thief and liar.

  9. I have seen bumper stickers promoting Clinton here and there. I was more surprised at who was driving the vehicles tbh. They all seemed to be babyboomer aged women. Very odd since they lost most of their retirement, health care etc.

  10. It's Early for signs.

  11. I've seen a few Hillary stickers on cars but not in yards. I like riding by them while shaking my head and laughing just to see the dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

  12. Haven't seen any yard signs or bumper stickers. I've had 1 customer in my store sheepishly look around then whisper she was voting for hildabeast. She must be very proud of her choice. Had to laugh.

  13. I seen a few Trump signs along Rt 54 but no Clinton or Sanders anywhere.

  14. Ive seen one Hillary bumper sticker and a few Bernie stickers, but no house signs for either one of them, I notice Trump signs by Delmar elementary area

  15. Wait until she chooses a running mate, then they'll be all over the place.
    The question is, what demographic does she want to snag the votes from, and what VP candidate will do the most for her? Will it be a black person? A woman? A black woman? A latino? A latina?

  16. Her running mate will certainly be another woman , that will be a shoe in for her. No signs or bumper stickers of her yet.

  17. They are passing out Hillary stickers and Hillary yard signs at the local teachers union WCEA

  18. in answer to your ? NO

  19. Hilary for prison stickers up here in Frederick

  20. Would love to secure more Trump signs as I understand the Trump headquarters closed after the recent election until later this year. I have heard several people have had them stolen from their yards...isn't this a crime?
    Can anyone tell me where I can get more Trump signs? And no, the only Hillary sign I would want is Hillary for Prison!

  21. Yard signs will appear after she has the nomination. Not before.

  22. The internet seems to be a good place to look for stuff. I've seen things sold there before. Maybe you should sign up for internet and look there for a sign...

    HEY! Here's your sign!!!!


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