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Sunday, May 15, 2016

College students punished after claiming racial attack

Two black New York college students who claimed they were victims of a racially charged assault on a public bus in January have reportedly been expelled.

University at Albany President Robert Jones said in an email to the university community that Ariel Agudio and Asha Burwell were dismissed, The Albany Times Union reported Friday.

A third woman, Alexis Briggs, was suspended for two years, the newspaper reported.



  1. Whatcha think, Janet?

  2. How about letting SU have their hearing? Every single student deserves fair process.

  3. Excellent. Justice served.


  4. Janet Dudley-Eshbach is not going to punish the students because she promotes this white privilege bs. Let's face it the woman rapped during one of her townhall meetings to pander to the black student population at SU. She wants them to see her as a soul sister not as an authority whom holds them accountable. You can't be popular and an authoritarian at the same time. Both not holding the students accountable for wrong doing and her rap has caused many to not respect her as a president of a university. She's irrelevant and at this point, perhaps she should go join Rosemary and leave SU. Her ability to govern SU has come to an end.

  5. She's alianted a lot of the white students who know about the situation and her disregard to holding the girls responsible. Rest assured, when I'm done at SU, I'll never donate one cent. I'm ashamed to even tell people where I earned my degree.

  6. Looks like these three ex students will be receiving their obama phone, welfare, housing assistance, and all of the other benefits of sitting at home and doing nothing.

  7. Frank in 5th gradeMay 9, 2016 at 11:50 AM

    What's "alianted" mean? Did you mean "alienated"?

  8. I will never support Salisbury Univ. again. She has assuerd I will never spend another cent there. My children will not go there. I will be filing a freedom of information on this issue. We have a right to know you can hide an 17 year old but the 18 year olds name will be out trust me.

  9. They will find a lawyer that is just enough of a scumbag to sue and probably win a few million taxpayer dollars. Most likely they will claim that they have mental issues due to slavery from 150 years ago.

  10. Shows us what real concern for law looks like. SU, and Matt don't care about our children's safety or the law. We need to hire the Walmart security folks to uphold the law and go after the two black girls at SU, they are the only ones doing their job!

  11. SU should use this as an example.


  13. SU Police chief ?

  14. Psst Janet, we know you are listening (reading)...woMAN up!

  15. Haha. Remember all the white liberals who just loved the AA community. Threw their hard earned money for the poor black children. Well these libitatds are realizing what most have known. They aren't worth the trouble. If it wasn't for the government they wouldn't dare pull the cRapp they do. You look at EVERY government department you have to deal with. BLACK!!! Who won't or can't do their jobs.

  16. I am a parent of three teens 18 17 15 they can FORGET SU.

  17. Don't forget Matt didn't even know if a law was broken, so he just threw up his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

  18. Janet doesn't understand anything but one thing: MONEY. She's all about the money. Couldn't give a flip if students are safe or learning anything. She's about cash. Cold hard greenbacks. That's why she won't say a word about the racism running rampant on SU's campus. It's also why it's time for her to go. She won't be missed that's for damn sure.

  19. 552, if she's just interested in the cash, and if she didn't have a liberal brain, she would realize that because of this incident and others like it, less and less moneyed students will seek out Salisbury University in the future, and the money will dry up like that spot between her legs.

    But, she chooses to be myopic.

    And the class of our student population will diminish likewise!

  20. Steve, Janet doesn't care about students' money. Donor money is her big thing. She likes to make big splashy buildings, posing the campus and university as if it's some Southern Ivy league school. That's the cold hard greebacks she's after. As for the students, a lot of SU's students come here from Asia and the Middle East, they don't hear about all the nasty nuances until they get here and locked in for a semester or two. Then she has them, whether or not, they want her. As for any safety issues or the racism on campus, she couldn't' care less. probably calls it diversity.

    See what I'm talking about?

  21. SU DR ESHBACH $500,000 YR.

  22. I never knew that a Public school can't be investigated by a Public States Attorney?

  23. I was going to send my 2 twins to SU this summer but after seeing how Dr Eshbach is not handling this forget SU.

  24. Well send you children elsewhere.....who cares.... Just a drop out of the bucket

  25. Just an observation, but someone isn't sending their 2 twins to SU? Is there such a thing as 3 twins? Sorry...just struck me as funny...and stupid.


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