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Friday, May 13, 2016

Subject: How Congress Mysteriously Became a ‘Small Business’ to Qualify for Obamacare Subsides

It seems that federal officials have worked overtime to undermine public trust. Benghazi, the IRS abuses, the “fast and furious” gun-running fiasco, the solar power boondoggles, and the seemingly endless implementation problems of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)—all these scandals have common themes: Arrogant and abusive bureaucracy, double dealing, lame excuses and legal hairsplitting.

The outrages listed above can be placed squarely at the doorstep of the White House. But one scandal is truly bipartisan: How key administration and Congressional officials connived to create, under cover of Obamacare, special health insurance subsidies for members of Congress.

Here’s how it went down..


  1. Lying, cheating, and stealing.
    Right in front of you.
    One them.
    One for us.
    And you can't stop cheering.

  2. You do know that this makes McCarthy from the 1950 dead right in his attack to remove communist infiltration from our governmen.It's pretty evident Marxist idealism is rampant in Washington

  3. This is the start people! The collapse of the house of cards they have built ever since FDR implemented Marxist programs in the United States. Although intended for the good of all. These communist ideals have destroyed this nation financially. So now it's time to pay the piper. The Credit Cards are maxed out. High interest, not enough cash in to cover growing hunger for min payments on top of MEGA growing amount of wasteful payouts. 18 trillion stolen!! SPENT!! FOR WHAT! all debt!! We are screwing generations to come with NO cash NO gold or NO valued equity. Guess what happens this time when the bottom drops? You better be stocked up. So Sorry but im not cheering!!!

  4. And now they're asking for a pay raise. Incredible.

    The further our representatives move from being part of the public, the less effectively they represent us.

  5. There seems to be no end to how far those scumbag politicans will go to screw the american people.It's time to clean house,both democrats and republicans.It's a shame the MSM doesn't cover these kind of things. too many rotten pos like harry reid and rinos like mc cain bohner and paul ryan.

  6. Vote them all out! Term limits! That will eliminate a lot of this madness.

  7. Concerned RetireeMay 13, 2016 at 4:45 PM

    We have an election since it went into effect and they were voted another term. Where was all this opposition then? They always exempt or make it laws less painful for them and Federal employees.

  8. Too many lawyers in one place. They get weird in large groups.


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