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Friday, May 13, 2016

Facebook Is Only a Symptom of Leftist Intolerance

Despite creating all those new “reaction” buttons, Facebook hasn’t found the perfect emoji to describe the latest news surrounding the social media giant’s political suppression tactics. As we wrote earlier this week, former Facebook employees have claimed the company rigs its “trending” section to downplay news from conservative sources. In short, while Facebook users think they’re seeing trending news, they’re really seeing the news Facebook wants them to see. Leftists would always rather suppress conservative thought than debate it.

Making this web of intrigue even stickier is the recent revelation that the person responsible for managing Facebook’s Trending Topics section, Tom Stocky, has given the maximum $2,700 to Hillary Clinton’s primary campaign. His wife also maxed out at $2,700. Of course, both are free to support their candidate of choice. But it certainly does add credence to questions over whether Facebook’s trending topics are really trending or simply “Stocky-approved.”

That’s not to say Facebook doesn’t have the freedom to govern its technology or ideology. As a private (publicly traded) company, it most certainly does — which makes the recently launched Senate investigation not only an outrage but a serious embarrassment to the GOP-led chamber. This week, the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee sent a letter to Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg asking the company to explain its process for picking trending stories and to hand over its internal guidelines to the government.

As David Harsanyi notes, “[D]oes Facebook even have to link to any conservative news stories? And do we really want the Senate defining what constitutes ‘conservative’ news, anyway?” We echo Harsanyi in saying when it comes to the Senate’s demands, the proper answer is “none of your business.” (Just like any number of issues Congress has investigated — steroids in baseball, concussions in football, etc.) And for those who may not like Facebook’s ideology, they can simply hit “deactivate.”



  1. Ture its there site, not exactly like refusing to bake a cake for gays but kinda along same lines. Left is stiffling any oposition to the Marxist leftist Democratic libtarded Progressive agenda. I recommend just Gonna hit deactivate. Hit em in the wallet.

  2. I do not have face book and one reason is because it is a cheap inaccurate source of news for many low information voters.

  3. "And for those who may not like Facebook’s ideology, they can simply hit 'deactivate.'"
    Exactly! If you're a freedom-loving conservative, you'd give up Facebook anyway.

  4. 2:14 Please go back to sleep. You know nothing of which you speak.

  5. 214 + 325. Ignorant and stupid is no way to go through life son.. educate yourself Left Right, Center, jefferson, marx, hilter,gandi..learn it don't matter try and think for yourself after you digest it all

  6. Zuckerberg has made it no secret that he's of the lunatic fringe that surrounds the liberals in America. He's been badmouthing Trump and other conservative candidates, complaining about the border wall, while building a huge wall around his home in a neighborhood where he bought all the surrounding properties so that Obama's ex-cons and felons couldn't move in. Funny how the guys bitching about the wall (Zuckerberg & Ryan) have built big huge walls around their homes!

    At any rate, clearly he's for censorship. He always has been. Twitter does the same thing. They put people in shadow twitter and delay people's tweets; especially if they're conservative ones. This is business as usual for lunatic fringe ideology. As anti-American as they come. No different than Soros's paid hellions on the street rioting for a buck. The only difference is he drives a Porsche and the paid rioters are lucky if they have a Pacer to drive to their rioting jobs.


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