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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Paul Nehlen Blasts Speaker Ryan as Obama’s ‘Primary Enabler in Congress’

Paul Ryan challenger Paul Nehlen blasted the current Speaker of the House when speaking to Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon Wednesday, saying, “Paul Ryan is President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s primary enabler in Congress. He is absolutely championing President Obama’s second term initiatives.”

“I can’t stand by and watch Paul Ryan burn it down,” he added.

Nehlen, whose campaign website is here, cited amnesty, Trans-Pacific Partnership, and criminal justice reforms as examples. “Paul Ryan is championing those,” he said. He also questioned Ryan’s efforts in rushing through a rescue package for Puerto Rico, citing specifics included in a Breitbart News item on the topic: “Ryan Puerto Rico ‘Rescue’ Bill Could Be Windfall for Hedge Funds”:

In a very narrow sense of the word, the rescue bill isn’t a “bailout.” There is no large check from the US Treasury going to Puerto Rico to help pay off creditors. The legislation, however, would save some individuals and entities from bearing the full costs of past decisions. Moreover, whatever one calls the special legislation being rushed through Congress, it will provide a quick windfall for many, currently unknown, hedge funds.



  1. I would vote for this person in a heartbeat. I agree with what he is stating about Ryan. He is supposedly the Republican leader in the House and has done nothing to stop Obama by using the power of the purse.

  2. Dave T: Sadly, I think I initially gave Ryan more credit than he deserves. But those days are officially long over. Thanks again SBY for publishing this. I agree with what's being said here. Ryan has been more vocal and active in fighting his party's own winning candidate than he has in opposing lackluster policy created by an impotent administration. This is not only wrong, it shows how truly torn and ineffective the Republican party has become. I am sincerely tired of watching politician betray the trust of the people who elected them. You know your government is truly corrupt when the only thing two opposing parties agree on is the fact that the system is "rigged" and "corrupt." Remember what happened to Marie Antoinette? I say it's time to relive those days again ! Down with establishment politics and all those tied to this disgusting corruption.

  3. Paul Ryan looks like an older version of Eddie Munster.

  4. This is why WE NEED TRUMP IN 2016. Anyone else will same old crap.

  5. Birds of a feather

  6. Both should be impeached, tried and convicted for their crimes against the American public. When will everyone demand this to be done?

  7. Two Illegal Aliens. Please deport them... to Gitmo!


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