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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Atheist Loses Lawsuit Against Church

Atheist activist Patrick Greene lost his lawsuit Tuesday against Abundant Life Fellowship Church in Corpus Christi, Texas—a church represented by First Liberty Institute—admitting that his lawsuit was “baseless,” and submitting to a court order never to bring such a frivolous lawsuit in the future.

Updating Breitbart Texas’ report by Lana Shadwick on Monday about Greene’s suing Abundant Life Fellowship when Pastor Rick Milby started building a 230-foot cross on his church’s property. Greene’s lawsuit claims that a church’s erecting of a cross on private property is unconstitutional because a local mayor and city council members attended the church’s groundbreaking ceremony.

As detailed in the previous report, Greene has a record of repeatedly bringing lawsuits that many consider “vexatious,” meaning predatory lawsuits that have no merit, but are designed to threaten and harass defendants into abandoning actions that are perfectly legal in order to avoid or end the lawsuit.

Jeremy Dys, senior counsel at First Liberty, added, “Today’s outcome should send a clear message to anti-religious freedom activists everywhere: if you abuse the legal system by suing people simply because you don’t like how they exercise their religion, there will be legal consequences.”

More here


  1. Conservative Atheist said...

    Understand that this moron does not represent me or any other atheists. The court was correct and the claims were not only "baseless", but they were also absurd.

    Private property is just that, and they can do whatever they wish on their land, and anyone who wants to attend can.

    1. Agreed.

      ~ Another Conservative Atheist

  2. i dont believe in athiests case CLOSED.

  3. @4:14

    You don't need to believe in Atheists. You can actually see us. You can test and verify that indeed we are here, unless, of course you subscribe to some sort of solipsism.

    @ Sand Box John

    Please to substantiate your assertion, because I call shenanigans all over it and reject it.

    for the both of you, remember the wise words of Abraham Lincoln:
    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."


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