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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Cruz announces Fiorina as choice for running mate

Ted Cruz, looking for a shake-up in the 2016 race as Donald Trump moves steadily closer to the Republican nomination, on Wednesday announced former GOP primary rival Carly Fiorina as his choice for running mate should he win the party nod.

Speaking during an afternoon rally in Indianapolis a day after he was swept by front-runner Trump in five primary contests, Cruz announced his decision to cheers and chants of “Carly! Carly!”

“After a great deal of time and thought, after a great deal of consideration and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that if I am nominated to be president of the united states that I will run on a ticket with my vice presidential nominee Carly Fiorina,” Cruz said.



  1. Really doesn't matter who he choses for a running mate, I would not vote for him. Trump has it right, Lyin Ted Cruz.

  2. Big woop. Should have picked Hillary!! now thats the ticket! Worst of both fanasty leagues! what could go wrong.....GO TRUMP

  3. He's been mathematically eliminated from the race and he picks a VP. One that didn't even get to the main stage during any debate because she didn't get the polling to do so. Brilliant. I am beginning to wonder just how low the standards are to get into Harvard Law School as I have been completely underwhelmed by everyone in Public Life that is an alumni.

  4. He thinks he'll grab some of the "Let's elect a woman" voters to take him over the top. He's playing games and grabbing at straws; the sure sign of a losing battle.

    Good-Bye, Lyin' Ted!

    TRUMP 2016!

  5. This in no way redeems or improves him personally or as a candidate. It's just more political shuck and jive.

  6. Sweet looking Palin killed any chance last time, just saying.

  7. Cruz picking a VP now, is like doing a wedding registry at Bed, Bath & Beyond...but you're not getting married.

  8. I don't think I could look at Ted for 4 years,or God forbid 8.

  9. Bye bye Cruz, the Trump train is about to run you over!

  10. Ted should have picked Julie Brewinginton.

  11. Which is why she endorsed him.

  12. That sound you hear is the death knell for the Cruz campaign. He paid Fiorini $500k to be VP after she stood on tv and said Cruz will say anything to get elected. LOOOOOSERS

  13. Not to be too shallow, but are not these two people the most freakishly-looking humans you've ever seen?
    He looks like Dracula...and , well, imagine waking up next to her without her makeup on. Or even with makeup on.
    I guess I am pretty shallow....

    1. You're not being shallow. This is just built into our genes. Most people feel the same way about both of them. Honestly I would turn my TV off for the next four years if I had to see them every day. I would rather look at Hillary. Trump is my man

  14. You people dont get it. Trump is mentioned at least every 15 minutes somewhere on TV. He gets free exposure whether it be good or bad. So Cruz picking a VP is genius. All the news outlets brains are oozing out trying to wrap their head around why he did this when he is losing. He did it because this draws your attention away from Trump. Its not rocket science. Its like Trump said himself, "if I start to lose peoples attention, I mention the wall and the people really react to that"

  15. The petty looks talk is childish. Ted and Carly are both very intelligent but it IS odd to pick a VP when you haven't won a nomination. It's all part of the political game. And people are sick of politicians playing games to get votes. Trump has his own way of playing their game, but he's the outsider that has the best chance to beat Hillary.

  16. I'm actually embarrassed for this man. His desperation and manipulation tactics are hysterical!


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