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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Campaign Mystery: Why Don't Bernie Sanders' Big Rallies Lead To Big Wins?

If you only considered crowd size at rallies for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, you might wonder how Clinton has won so many big states. Sanders draws massive, enthusiastic crowds, while Clinton's rallies often seem tiny and subdued by comparison.

Monday night, the eve of five East Coast primaries taking place today, Sanders spoke to an overflow crowd — 3,200 people in total — at Drexel University in Philadelphia. His audience was more than double the crowd that showed up to hear Hillary Clinton speak at Philadelphia's city hall.

On Sunday, 14,000 were there for Sanders in New Haven, Conn.

6,600 in Baltimore, Md., on Saturday.

And 27,000 people came to hear Sanders in Manhattan's Washington Square Park a week before New York's crucial primary.



  1. Millenniala are clueless idiots.

  2. The Clinton machine is screwing him time and time again.

  3. Because the Cabal controls the voting machines, silly.
    Elections in this country are a sham.

  4. Because electronic voting machines are giving every 3rd. vote for him to Hillary.

  5. It probably hacked voting machines. They have proved they can be hacked. Corrupt government.

  6. If he didn't want to raise taxes to a ridiculous amount and didn't make videos stating communist food lines were a GOOD thing he would be doing much better.

  7. Do you mean like Hillary's big campaign gatherings lead to a run on size 18 pants suits in local stores?

  8. Is it because most of the voters need rides from thier republician parents?

  9. None of us can comprehend the level of voting corruption that goes on.I wouldn't vote for Sanders OR Hillary,but fair is fair and rally turnouts do not equate to Delegate votes.

  10. DUDE, This is a nice DubeeApril 27, 2016 at 9:33 PM

    Most were high smoking POT, and lost their way around...They were not counted in votes!!!

  11. Not a millennial but Sanders isn't as commie as everyone makes him out to be. He actually has some pretty solid ideas. So much so, ole Hillary has been parroting more than a few as her own. What is disappointing is the number of older folks still enchanted with Hilly after all these years. Sanders called out some of the same blunders of theirs (Hilly and Billy) as conservatives have. A lot of older folk are afraid of change, so Clinton it is. Sanders is just too much of a young Turk for them.

  12. Hillary charges $10000 to come to her rallies. That eliminates a lot of folks from attending. The money raised goes to the bill, Hillary and Chelsea 'foundation'.

  13. I'd argue Sanders is putting up big numbers all things considered, he is not THAT far behind Clinton, and really its the Superdelegates that are contributing to a larger victory for Clinton, not the difference in actual voters.

    This should have been a lay up for Clinton, the fact that Sanders has come out of no where and commanded a large share of the votes shows that he is commanding big numbers.

  14. Most of the folks I see at his rallies don't look old enough to vote. Free stuff sounds good until you realize you have to pay for it. Young folks don't get that, they'll soon learn when they look at their future pay stubs.

  15. She will have to kiss Bernie's butt to win.

  16. Because he is a lousy, socialist communist. All of his supporters are freeloaders. Either they want something for free or something for free for their children.


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