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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Court Orders Missi. School District to Desegregate

CLEVELAND, Mississippi — A federal court on Monday ordered the Cleveland School District to consolidate its segregated junior high and high schools, a decision that comes more than 60 years after the U.S. Supreme Court's legendary Brown v. Board of Education case.

In its 96-page decision filed on Friday, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi said the district has "operated an inadequate dual system and failed to achieve the greatest degree of desegregation possible given the circumstances." (The full decision is below. Mobile users can read it here.)

It rejected two alternative plans proposed by the district, Reuters reports, saying they were unconstitutional.

"Six decades after the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education declared that 'separate but equal has no place' in public schools, this decision serves as a reminder to districts that delaying desegregation obligations is both unacceptable and unconstitutional," principal deputy assistant attorney general Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, said in a statement.



  1. You can mandate all the desegregation you want...people don't want to send their kids to school with reprobate thugs!

    Separate but equal is wrong - there is not much equality when one group is uncivil, disrespectful, and murderous - all while leeching off the other group!

  2. 908, you are a POS and represent everything wrong with this country.

  3. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid 9:29 - but please don't vote any more!
    It's easy to see who you voted for in the las two elections - the first time I can accept as a mistake - being fooled by the luster of hope and change....but the second time after the fallacy has shown its true colors represents the stupidity that is really what is wrong with this country!

  4. I was a victim of forced busing twice as a child. Even at that age, I knew it was a foolish attempt to legislate fairness. My mother had already pounded into my head that life is not fair and this world owes us nothing. I wish more mothers could teach that to the kids.

  5. Funny that the black schools were doing better than the white schools in this story. I guess you commenters don't read to well.

  6. Since we have the big hopey and changey president, it seems we have gone backwards about 50 years

  7. Why is it that blacks tend to blame all their problems on "racism"....

    Then do everything they can to be near white people? I mean, filing lawsuits to force schools to consolidate, so there will be a few more whites in the black school...but when the black kids fail, it's somehow because of white people.

  8. How can the society mix the Muslims, Whites, and Blacks without doing irreparable damage to the Jews?

    The government must move very carefully here. The Jewish children must be protected from the non-Jews and it will become increasingly difficult to do that if we mix the other races together.

  9. Segregation is better for all. aAs long as funding and resources are equal, races get along with their own everywhere.


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